Dhoom 3 Movie Online

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← Hindi Action Movie 2013 धूम 3 -Dhoom 3 Full Movie Online

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Dhoom: 3 ([ˈd̪ʱuːm 3], English: Blast 3, also abbreviated and known as D:3 and D3) is a 2013 Indian action thriller, written and directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya and produced by Aditya Chopra.[10][11] The third installment of the Dhoom series, it features Aamir Khan as the antagonist paired opposite Katrina Kaif. Actors Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra reprise their roles as Jai Dixit and Ali Akbar, respectively, as in the previous movies of the franchise. Made on a budget of INR1.25 billion (US$20 million),[2][12] the most expensive Bollywood film of all time,[13] Dhoom 3 was released on 20 December 2013,[14] marking itself as the first Bollywood movie to be released in the IMAX motion picture film format[15] with Dolby Atmos surround sound.
धूम 3 (अंग्रेज़ी: Dhoom 3: Back in Action) २०१३ की बहुप्रतीक्षित हिन्दी फ़िल्म है जिसे विजय कृष्ण आचार्य ने निर्देशित किया है। धूम का पहला संस्करण २००४ में जबकि 'धूम 2' २००६ में रिलीज़ हुई थी। यह दोनों ही फिल्में सुपरहिट रही थीं। पहली धूम में जॉन अब्राहम और दूसरी धूम में ऋतिक रोशन ने खलनायक की भूमिका निभाई थी।

फिल्म में आमिर खान ने नकारात्मक किरदार निभाया है, जो चालाकी से चोरी करता है। यह फ़िल्म आइमैक्स (IMAX) के फॉर्मेट में विश्व स्तर पर हिन्दी, तमिल एवं तेलुगु भाषा में प्रदर्शित की गयी। धूम 3 भारत में आइमैक्स फ़ाॅर्मेट में प्रदर्शित होने वाली पहली फ़िल्म है।[4][5] यश राज फ़िल्म्स की बनाइए हुई इस फिल्म ने घरेलु बॉक्स ऑफिस पर 280 करोड़ रूपए की कमाई की थी।

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Showing Revision 1 created 11/09/2014 by Marycel Nambong.

  1. This was perhaps the most important
    and dangerous day of our lives.
  2. Like a boat in a storm..
  3. ..we were neither sinking..
  4. ..nor reaching the shore.
  5. Today we shall look
    the storm in the eye.
  6. Will the storm quell..
  7. ..or swallow us?
  8. What you got there?
  9. Come on, give it to us.
  10. Trying to get away, kid?
  11. Every storm and danger to us..
  12. ..was a challenge.
  13. What else you got?
  14. Time to amaze the world.
  15. Show them an impossible feat.
  16. Get him. Come on!
  17. Stop! Stop! You're mine.
  18. Don't let him out.
  19. He's getting away.
  21. Hey, guys. Make it slower.
    Can you slow down, yeah?
  22. Hey, kid. Can you make it slower.
    Slow it down, yeah?
  23. - Okay.
    - Show me again.
  24. - Where is he?
    - I don't know.
  25. Hey, Hey.
  26. - Sorry, sorry..
    - Come on, dude.
  27. Hmm.
  28. What's that?
  29. Magic!
  30. 25$, Papa.
  31. I know the bank
    loan is lots more.
  32. Give them this.
    It will help a little.
  33. If I gave them your 25$..
  34. ..they'd be in our debt, son.
  35. It's way too much.
  36. Way too much.
  37. As long as you have these 25$..
  38. ..no bank in the world
    can shut our circus down.
  39. But Papa..
  40. ..I heard you say,
  41. the bank won't listen to you.
  42. But they have.
  43. I said I'd put on a
    special show for them.
  44. 'Don't shut us down if
    you like the show.'
  45. What if they don't like it?
  46. How is that possible?
  47. They'll have to like it.
  48. They'll have to.
  49. It'll go brilliantly today.
  50. Brilliantly today.
  51. Because I have a great
    magician performing in my act.
  52. - And who is he?
    - I know.
  53. Me.. Sahir.
  54. My name means magician.
  55. Dazzle the bankers with
    your magic, son.
  56. 'People of God are we.'
    'Who can defy us?'
  57. 'Basking under a thousand
    suns of hope.'
  58. 'With steely resolve.'
  59. 'With fearless step.'
  60. 'Today we set forth..'
  61. '..to write our destiny.'
  62. Gentlemen.
  63. The Great Indian Circus.
  64. ♪ Malang malang dum ♪
    ♪ dum malang malang ♪
  65. ♪ Malang malang dum ♪
    ♪ dum malang malang ♪
  66. ♪ Malang malang dum ♪
    ♪ dum malang malang ♪
  67. ♪ Malang malang dum ♪
    ♪ dum malang malang ♪
  68. ♪ Malang malang dum ♪
    ♪ dum malang malang ♪
  69. ♪ Malang malang dum ♪
    ♪ dum malang malang ♪
  70. ♪ Malang malang dum ♪
    ♪ dum malang malang ♪
  71. ♪ Malang malang dum ♪
    ♪ dum malang malang ♪
  72. ♪ Malang malang dum ♪
    ♪ dum malang malang ♪
  73. ♪ Malang malang dum ♪
    ♪ dum malang malang ♪
  74. And now, gentlemen.
  75. My new act.
  76. An act that has never been
    seen before.
  77. Papa.
  78. ♪ Malang malang dum ♪
    ♪ dum malang malang ♪
  79. ♪ Malang malang dum ♪
    ♪ dum malang malang ♪
  80. ♪ Malang malang dum ♪
    ♪ dum malang malang ♪
  81. ♪ Malang malang dum ♪
    ♪ dum malang malang ♪
  82. ♪ Malang malang dum ♪
    ♪ dum malang malang ♪
  83. ♪ Malang malang dum ♪
    ♪ dum malang malang ♪
  84. The boy..
  85. ..in the box.
  86. What do you think, Mr. Anderson?
  87. You have 5 days to
    hand over this place..
  88. ..and everything in it
    we can auction.
  89. I just showed you the best act
    ever seen in a circus.
  90. This is not a circus.
  91. Circus is a woman in a short skirt
    putting her head in a hippo's mouth.
  92. Circus is stupid.
  93. That's what people
    pay money for.
  94. This is the future
    of circus, Anderson.
  95. We are bankers, Mr. Iqbal.
  96. We understand the
    world of money.
  97. You have defaulted on your payments.
    You owe us.
  98. This circus has
    not been running.
  99. And it never will.
  100. Please..
  101. My decision is final.
  102. Sir, sir. One minute, sir.
  103. Sir, please sir, don't shut us.
  104. My Papa is very good.
    He's the best.
  105. Sir, sir.
  106. Ours will be the best circus
    in the world, sir.
  107. The greatest show on earth.
  108. Sir, sir, sir.
  109. Sir, sir.
    Sir, sir.
  110. Sir, we'll rouse the sleeping.
  111. Look. look.
  112. Sir, make the sad laugh.
  113. Look. look..
  114. We'll show the world
    feats never seen before.
  115. No one can match us, sir.
    No one.
  116. Look. look..
  117. Sir, sir, look!
  118. Please!
  119. Please, please.
  120. I beg you, sir.
  121. Give us one chance.
    One chance.
  122. Sahir!
  123. No.
  124. You must never beg.
  125. Preserving our honour..
  126. ..is in our hands, always.
  127. This circus is my life.
    You're tearing it from me.
  128. Tearing it from me.
  129. Don't try and threaten me.
  130. You bankers..
  131. May you rot in hell!
  132. PAPA!
  133. People of God are we.
    Who can defy us?
  134. Basking under a thousand
    suns of hope.
  135. With steely resolve.
  136. With fearless step.
  137. Today we set forth..
  138. ..to write our destiny.
  141. Help. I'm homeless.
  142. Won't somebody..
    won't somebody..
  143. ..please help?
  144. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  145. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  146. ♪ Dhoom machale ♪
  147. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  148. ♪ Dhoom machale ♪
  149. The suspect is trapped
    in the garage
  150. I want a perimeter
    around this building.
  151. He's in the basement.
    He can't run anywhere.
  152. We've got him.
  153. Captain, you're never
    going to believe this one.
  154. He went in there,
    came out somewhere else.
  155. How does he do it?
  156. We have lost visual
    on the suspect.
  157. I repeat we have
    lost visual contact.
  158. ♪ Dhoom machale ♪
  159. ♪ Dhoom ♪
  160. 3
  161. D 3
  162. DH 3
  163. DHO 3
  164. DHOO 3
  165. DHOOM 3
  166. Subtitle improved by
  167. Hey,
  168. Where is Jai?
  169. Means?
  170. Is Jai showing up?
  171. He's not taking my calls.
  172. Non-stick pans. Pressure
    cookers on sale.
  173. Buy them for your missus?
    Damn good deal, boss.
  174. You'll shoot me?
  175. Yeah.
  176. Look at my face.
    Take your time.
  177. Short version?
  178. Star material, no?
  179. With a great face like mine,
    I end up in the police force.
  180. And you'll blow me away?
    For free?
  181. Your hands will tremble.
  182. Your gun will see me and say,
    'Wow! Handsome guy.'
  183. 'Let him go.'
  184. Forget what I say.
    Listen to your gun, brother.
  185. So you figured you'd just
    stroll in here..
  186. ..and arrest me?
  187. And I'd go with you to jail,
    all meek?
  188. Why think that?
  189. Truth?
  190. Please.
  191. On 15 August, Independence Day.
    We all take an oath.
  192. That India is free.
  193. And all Indians are equal.
    I take the oath, too.
  194. But I've got this nagging doubt.
  195. Everyone equal? Means what?
  196. You and me? Equal?
  197. Aunty next door and the star
    Hema Malini, equal?
  198. No, boss.
  199. Something fishy.
  200. Hot air!
  201. You stand here..
  202. ..in your shiny suit.
  203. While poor Raju there can't even
    afford plastic rain cover.
  204. How come?
    Sure, India is free.
  205. But people like you enslave her.
  206. Made two lndias.
  207. One for us punters.
  208. One for you big shots.
  209. Whose horse wins?
  210. Who wins the match?
    Who wins the elections?
  211. The answers are in your pocket
  212. I want that pocket.
  213. And the scum that live in it.
  214. I'll wring their necks.
  215. The day your sort is
    rotting in jail..
  216. ..that day India
    will be truly free.
  217. All your noble thoughts?
  218. Actually, all Jai's ideas.
  219. Gave you the short version.
    You see..
  220. I arrest guys. But Jai's fists
    do the talking.
  221. Makes pulp out of guys.
  222. Tried aunty's chutney?
  223. That smooth.
  224. So he'll come with an army
    to save your face?
  225. An army? One Jai is all I need.
  226. But no one makes an
    entry quite like him.
  227. And that brain of his?
    No one can match him.
  228. You're not going to believe..
  229. ..what he'll do to you.
  230. Solid entry, brother.
  231. What the hell?
  232. Rot in jail!
  233. Ali!
  234. Hey, I'm going to cut you into
    little pieces. Catch them.
  235. Ali, let's go.
  236. ♪ Dhoom machale ♪
  237. ♪ Dhoom machale ♪
  238. Hey! They keep coming.
  239. Come, come.
  240. Okay brother, grind
    those brakes!
  241. - They aren't working.
    - Mummy, help!
  242. - Ali?
    - Yes, brother.
  243. Run!
  244. ♪ Dhoom machale ♪
  245. Ali!
  246. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  247. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  248. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  249. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  250. ♪ Dhoom machale ♪
  251. Excuse me, ma'am.
  252. Ma'am, what can you tell
    us about the robbery?
  253. A bank robbery in
    this day and age?
  254. Mr. Anderson.
  255. So, who's this guy robbing us?
  256. It's a thief, sir.
    That's all I can say now.
  257. I mean this.
  258. 'Bankers! May you rot in hell!'
  259. This is the second robbery at
    one of our branches in a year.
  260. First the Wacker Street
    branch and now this.
  261. He takes the money and what
    he can't take he destroys.
  262. My bank is going down
    and I don't like it.
  263. 25$.
  264. I know the bank
    loan is lots more.
  265. As long as you have these 25$..
  266. ..no bank in the world
    can shut our circus down.
  267. This circus has not been
    running and it never will.
  268. Ours will be the best
    circus in the world.
  269. - The greatest show on earth.
    - This is not a circus.
  270. This the future of
    circus, Anderson.
  271. This circus is my life. You're
    tearing it away from me.
  272. My Papa is very good.
  273. He's the best
  274. I've come home, Papa.
  275. I've come home.
  276. Ali, this is a new city.
    Let's see a new you.
  277. Eyes to yourself. No girl
    here is going to fall for you.
  278. Ali is an international cop now.
  279. Means.. Ali's eyes are
    glued tight on thieves.
  280. And Ali's ears..
  281. - Motorcycle!
    - What?
  282. I can tell. A four-cylinder.
  283. Fabulous compression!
    It's a BMW S1000RR.
  284. Hi.
  285. I am officer Victoria Williams.
  286. Chicago Police Department,
    Intelligence Wing.
  287. We've met before. London?
    Crime conference last year?
  288. Ah yes, sorry.
  289. I know I shouldn't forget
    somebody like you but..
  290. ..I'm not a conference
    kind of guy.
  291. Conferences make me
    go batty as well.
  292. I mean who wants to talk about
    criminals all day. It's boring.
  293. The food is always..
  294. Horrible!
  295. - I am glad you came.
    - Me, too.
  296. Coming here. Catching
    the thief, also.
  297. Officer Ali Akbar.
    Mumbai Police.
  298. Not crazy about conferences.
    Only non-veg food for me.
  299. Unfortunately that's
    my colleague.
  300. She doesn't speak Hindi.
  301. Hindi? That's all the
    English words I know.
  302. I speak a little Hindi.
    I have Indian friends so..
  303. Wow! So where's our shack?
  304. How do we get there? Bet three
    can't ride pillion here, eh?
  305. Made off with Victoria.
    Ali gets a mighty zero.
  306. 3 days. And Victoria will
    be planning our wedding.
  307. Confirmed. 3 days. Only Ali..
    Only Ali.. Only Ali..
  308. I need the ventilation
    fixed by tonight. OK?
  309. Hey, Sahir?
  310. We've rehearsed for a year.
    Never imagined we'd perform here.
  311. How did you do it?
    A real miracle.
  312. Didn't do it alone.
    The bank lent a hand.
  313. See you.
  314. Kiki.
  315. - Where's the girl for my act?
    - Auditioned dozens. No luck.
  316. What are you looking for, man?
  317. What kind of girl?
  318. I want a girl passionate
    about proving herself.
  319. Someone with guts and
    lots of craziness.
  320. Auditions are now closed.
    Thank you for coming.
  321. Hey, hey, hey.
  322. - You can't go over there.
    - Hey!
  323. Wait! Ma'am?
    Please stop.
  324. Does such a girl exist?
  325. You need a jeweler's eye.
  326. Stop her, catch her.
    catch her.
  327. Oh no, not this girl again.
  328. Who is she?
  329. She's nuts. I keep
    throwing her out.
  330. Hey miss, listen
    you cannot do this.
  331. Wait! Just give me
    a minute, please.
  332. - I won't leave today.
    - You're crazy.
  333. Give me a chance, please.
  334. - This isn't a reality show.
    - It's a circus?
  335. I am a circus myself.
  336. No, wait. Put me down.
    Listen, let go.
  337. - Wait a minute.
    - Put me down.
  338. Who are you?
  339. The girl you're looking for.
  340. Asian Goddess who sings and
    dances like liquid electricity.
  341. He won't believe me.
    Please, one audition.
  342. One audition, please.
  343. 5 minutes.
  344. If my eyes move off you,
    even for a second, you're out.
  345. And no coming back.
  346. Promise. I swear on
    my unborn children.
  347. ♪ 'Kamli' by Sunidhi Chauhan ♪
  348. ♪ I'll pacify the lover ♪
    ♪ who turns away. ♪
  349. ♪ I'll burn down every ♪
    ♪ veil between us, ♪
  350. ♪ I will melt lover's ♪
    ♪ heart of stone. ♪
  351. ♪ Then they'll call me ♪
    ♪ the love-crazed one. ♪
  352. ♪ Then they'll call me ♪
    ♪ the love-crazed one. ♪
  353. ♪ My beloved, my beloved, ♪
    ♪ my beloved. ♪
  354. ♪ O my beloved, ♪
    ♪ my sweetheart. ♪
  355. ♪ I have no idea ♪
    ♪ what I’m doing. ♪
  356. ♪ Night passes, ♪
    ♪ the world sleeps. ♪
  357. ♪ And I wonder ♪
    ♪ why I’m awake. ♪
  358. ♪ O my beloved, ♪
    ♪ my sweetheart. ♪
  359. ♪ I have no idea ♪
    ♪ what I’m doing. ♪
  360. ♪ Night passes, ♪
    ♪ the world sleeps. ♪
  361. ♪ And I wonder ♪
    ♪ why I’m awake. ♪
  362. ♪ I’m crazy, ♪
  363. ♪ For my lover. ♪
  364. ♪ I’m crazy, ♪
  365. ♪ For my lover. ♪
  366. ♪ The heart was a lake before. ♪
  367. ♪ You made my heart ♪
    ♪ weep like a river, my lover. ♪
  368. ♪ In the vicinity of eyes, ♪
  369. ♪ I look for you in every ♪
    ♪ lane as evening falls. ♪
  370. ♪ Night passes, ♪
    ♪ the world sleeps. ♪
  371. ♪ And I wonder ♪
    ♪ why I’m awake. ♪
  372. ♪ O my beloved, ♪
    ♪ my sweetheart, ♪
  373. ♪ I have no idea ♪
    ♪ what I’m doing. ♪
  374. ♪ Night passes, ♪
    ♪ the world sleeps. ♪
  375. ♪ And I wonder ♪
    ♪ why I’m awake. ♪
  376. ♪ After wearing saffron clothes, ♪
  377. ♪ I’ll become a devotee. ♪
  378. ♪ With the black magic ♪
    ♪ of my kohl, ♪
  379. ♪ My dark eyes ♪
    ♪ will enchant you. ♪
  380. ♪ I’m crazy. ♪
  381. ♪ I’m crazy. ♪
  382. ♪ Like the cool morning dew, ♪
  383. ♪ I steal scent ♪
    ♪ from the flowers. ♪
  384. ♪ If I change my way, ♪
    ♪ I’m like a storm. ♪
  385. ♪ I can tear up ♪
    ♪ the mountains. ♪
  386. ♪ I’m crazy, ♪
  387. ♪ For my lover. ♪
  388. ♪ I’m crazy, ♪
  389. ♪ For my lover. ♪
  390. ♪ In a state of senselessness, ♪
    ♪ You’re the.. ♪
  391. ♪ ..source of consciousness, ♪
    ♪ my love. ♪
  392. ♪ I am a garland of stars, ♪
  393. ♪ You're like the moon, ♪
    ♪ my love. ♪
  394. ♪ Night passes, ♪
    ♪ the world sleeps. ♪
  395. ♪ And I wonder ♪
    ♪ why I’m awake. ♪
  396. ♪ O my beloved, ♪
    ♪ my sweetheart, ♪
  397. ♪ I have no idea ♪
    ♪ what I’m doing. ♪
  398. ♪ Night passes, ♪
    ♪ the world sleeps. ♪
  399. ♪ And I wonder ♪
    ♪ why I’m awake. ♪
  400. ♪ I’m crazy, ♪
  401. ♪ For my lover. ♪
  402. ♪ I’m crazy, ♪
  403. ♪ For my lover. ♪
  404. ♪ I’m crazy, ♪
  405. ♪ For my lover. ♪
  406. ♪ I’m crazy, ♪
  407. ♪ For my lover. ♪
    ♪ Crazy, Crazy. ♪
  408. 5 minutes are done.
  409. Now look away.
  410. I've been trying for ages.
  411. Liar.
  412. Swear on my unborn children.
  413. Asian goddess who sings and
    dances like liquid electricity.
  414. Isn't that name a bit too long?
  415. Aliya.
  416. Welcome to the Great
    Indian Circus, Aliya.
  417. - Kiki, you are fired.
    - What? What have I done?
  418. Two big robberies in a year.
  419. Both times a message
    left in Hindi.
  420. Both times a clown's
    face left smiling.
  421. Both times he robs different
    branches of the same bank.
  422. Two suppositions. A:
  423. This bank is easier to
    rob than the others.
  424. B: That he only wants
    to rob this bank.
  425. He's good.
  426. That's my boy.
  427. Does this bank have any enemies?
    People who hate it?
  428. We're bankers.
    Everybody hates us.
  429. All the lives you have wrecked,
    people you've laid off..
  430. ..we're going to need
    to know about it all.
  431. Until then we can only hope
    and pray for one thing.
  432. Yeah, that we don't
    get robbed again.
  433. No.
  434. That you do get robbed again.
  435. And soon.
  436. You want him to rob us?
  437. If you want to catch him.
  438. What are you saying?
  439. We make him rob again.
  440. How?
  441. We just ask him.
  442. Really, really nicely.
  443. Welcome back to Asia Max at 12.
  444. Further on the Sunday news.
  445. The clown thief who is laughing
    all the way from the bank.
  446. The Chicago police believe the thief
    is an Asian. Leaves Hindi messages.
  447. So they've asked the
    Indian police to help.
  448. Today we have with us
    India's top cop, Mr. Jai Dixit.
  449. Mr. Dixit, what do you
    make of our bank robber?
  450. He's an amateur.
  451. - A 'nausikhiya' in Hindi.
    - Really?
  452. But he's managed to pull off
    two daring heists.
  453. Just got lucky.
  454. Why?
  455. I don't think he's a pro.
  456. A clever thief doesn't leave
    so many clues behind.
  457. Yes, one thing is for sure.
    He runs fast.
  458. My advice to him is..
  459. Get the hell out of town!
  460. Do you think he'll strike again?
  461. Not if he's smart.
  462. It'll be a suicide mission.
  463. Everyone is scared.
  464. They're not sure if the bank is safe.
    They don't know what to do.
  465. I don't think..
  466. No one needs to fear this thief.
  467. He's a clown.
  468. He makes a lot of empty noise.
  469. I'm sure when we catch him,
  470. he's bound to entertain
    his fellow in-mates.
  471. You're very confident.
    You sure you'll catch him?
  472. The destiny of thieves is in
    the hands of the police.
  473. And I have Mr. Clown's
    fate in mine.
  475. - Hi.
    - Hi.
  476. I'd like to meet
    Mr. Jai Dixit, please.
  477. Mr. Jai Dixit.
    India's finest cop.
  478. Delighted to meet you.
    I'm Sahir Khan.
  479. What can I do for you, Mr. Khan?
  480. I wanted to share something.
  481. I know it may sound strange.
  482. But I can't stay silent.
  483. Actually..
  484. I am the thief.
  485. No one knows.
  486. Except you, of course.
  487. I don't get you.
  488. The Great Indian Circus.
  489. The name of my new circus.
  490. I stole a trick from the
    thief you're after.
  491. It's my new circus act.
  492. Your Mr. Clown, your joker.
  493. I know him.
  494. 2005. Circus Fantastico.
  495. Michigan's travelling circus.
  496. That's me.
  497. And that's him.
  498. He was a star.
  499. Deservedly so.
  500. We were mere circus artists.
  501. But he wove pure magic.
  502. He had no friends, no enemies.
    Never spoke to anyone.
  503. Show over. Back in his room
    behind locked doors.
  504. I used to call him,
  505. 'Closemouthed Charlie.'
  506. He did the most amazing trick.
  507. He'd fly in one direction.
    And reappear from another.
  508. He showed his act to
    our boss, Mr. Robert
  509. I was sure he'd make
    our circus famous.
  510. But Mr. Robert wasn't
    keen and said no.
  511. Closemouthed Charlie
    was offended.
  512. I heard him speak
    for the first time.
  513. I can still remember
    what he said that day.
  514. What?
  515. 'May you rot in hell!'
  516. The next day he was gone.
  517. They say never hurt
    a clown's feelings.
  518. You'll get cursed.
  519. How do you know the thief
    is Closemouthed Charlie?
  520. The press say the thief leaves
    a clown's mask and a message.
  521. How many clowns say,
    'May you rot in hell?'
  522. But why? Why rob a bank?
  523. I don't know. If he's the thief,
    he must have a good reason.
  524. Can you identify
    him in a line-up?
  525. No one saw his face.
  526. Always had his make-up on.
  527. No one knows what he
    really looks like.
  528. But I think..
  529. ..I can help you.
  530. How?
  531. Me and him, we are men of the circus.
    We seek applause.
  532. The only difference is
    that I act on the stage.
  533. While he has turned the
    whole city into his stage.
  534. Closemouthed Charlie
    is a genius.
  535. I'm not. But..
  536. I can think somewhat like him.
  537. But why?
  538. - Why help me?
    - Actually I want to help him.
  539. Helping you is helping him.
  540. You see, I want him get caught.
  541. Because he isn't a thief.
  542. Maybe he's lost his way.
    Something has gone wrong.
  543. This is the only way
    I can save him.
  544. I want to, at any cost.
  545. He's done so much for me.
  546. I owe it to him.
  547. It may be your last
    chance to save him.
  548. Because this time..
  549. ..we put an end to the heists.
  550. Or to the thief.
  551. Wow! I love your confidence.
  552. Sahir, what you're doing
    is a great help. Thank you.
  553. See you at the bank tomorrow.
  554. At 9?
  555. Done.
  556. Comic, comedian, funny man.
  557. Fool, joker, clown.
  558. I go by many names.
  559. And my personal
    favourite, 'jester'.
  560. The name is very amusing.
  561. - Hey.
    - Hey.
  562. Thanks for coming.
  563. Thank me, once I've helped you.
  564. This way.
  565. But playing the clown
    is serious business.
  566. Very serious.
  567. Because a clown's tricks
    are all about deception.
  568. Um, excuse me.
  569. A good clown is a
    meticulous planner.
  570. Because our mission is no joke.
    It's a fight.
  571. A battle.
  572. A battle the audience
    thinks they're winning.
  573. But we win.
  574. Always.
  575. Flies in one direction,
    reappears from another?
  576. How do you do it,
    Closemouthed Charlie?
  577. Yeah.
  578. If I were Closemouthed
    Charlie, I'd rob today.
  579. Why today?
  580. 1st April.
  581. Yeah. Clown's Day.
  582. We're rehearsing for the
    opening show tonight.
  583. Can't take calls.
    Thought I'd warn you.
  584. Thank you.
  585. You're most welcome.
    All the best.
  586. It's showtime.
  587. Victoria, where are you?
  588. Hello. Where are you?
  589. My eyes have turned to
    stone, looking for you.
  590. Your brain has turned to stone.
  591. You're looking for a
    thief, not a girl. Got it?
  592. No brother, I'm Passing time.
    Swear on Mummy.
  593. He's going to strike today.
  594. Be alert.
  595. Alert. Alert.
  596. - Alert!
    - You got it man.
  597. Alert? Means?
  598. Oh My God!
  599. Don't move!
  600. Turn around. Let's
    see your hands.
  601. Show me your hands.
  602. Bomb! Back up!
  603. ♪ Dhoom machale ♪
  604. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  605. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  606. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  607. Chicago Police Department.
    Come in.
  608. Suspect on a black bike, heading..
  609. ♪ Dhoom machale ♪
  610. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  611. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  612. ♪ Dhoom machale ♪
  613. Don't let him get
    to the lakeshore.
  614. Okay. Where is it?
  615. Hey, what are you doing?
  616. - What are you doing?
    - Police work.
  617. Side, side.
  618. Hey, that's my boat. Whoa!
  619. Hello.
  620. Help!
  621. Let the thief run, the boat smash.
    Ali is here! Ladies, no danger.
  622. Stop!
  623. Stop! Or we'll shoot.
  624. Stop!
  625. ♪ Dhoom machale ♪
  626. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  627. Suspect is heading to Lower Wacker.
  628. He's shot. I repeat, he's shot.
    Do you copy?
  629. No visual on suspect.
    We lost him.
  630. Vanished into thin air.
    How does he do it?
  631. I'm his fan.
  632. - Let's go.
    - Where to?
  633. From where he can't escape.
  634. The Great Indian Circus.
  635. Ladies and gentlemen.
  636. Welcome to the opening night of
    the Great Indian Circus.
  637. Please proceed towards your seats.
  638. People of God are we.
  639. Who can defy us?
  640. Basking under a thousand
    suns of hope.
  641. With steely resolve.
  642. With fearless step.
  643. Today we set forth to write..
  644. ..our destiny.
  645. ♪ 'Malang' by Siddharth
    Mahadevan & Shilpa Rao ♪
  646. ♪ Love is on the lips, ♪
  647. ♪ There’s love in prayers. ♪
  648. ♪ In the body, ♪
    ♪ and in the soul. ♪
  649. ♪ Love is everywhere. ♪
  650. ♪ There’s love in the eyes, ♪
  651. ♪ Love is in mankind. ♪
  652. ♪ In one’s reflection, ♪
    ♪ and in one’s dance. ♪
  653. ♪ There are signs of love. ♪
  654. ♪ Not caring about ♪
    ♪ anything in the world. ♪
  655. ♪ My love is totally frenzy. ♪
  656. ♪ Not caring about ♪
    ♪ anything in the world. ♪
  657. ♪ My love is totally frenzy. ♪
  658. ♪ Ho.. O… ♪
    ♪ Ou.. Hoo.. ♪
  659. ♪ Ho.. O… ♪
    ♪ Ou.. Hoo.. ♪
  660. ♪ Love is like ♪
    ♪ a destitute, ♪
  661. ♪ Love is like ♪
    ♪ a nomadic, ♪
  662. ♪ Love is like ♪
    ♪ a fire, ♪
  663. ♪ It lives, and flows ♪
    ♪ in particles, ♪
  664. ♪ I wish to ♪
    ♪ end myself in love. ♪
  665. ♪ I wish to ♪
    ♪ flow with love. ♪
  666. ♪ I wish to.. ♪
  667. ♪ sacrifice myself ♪
    ♪ in love. ♪
  668. ♪ Not caring about ♪
    ♪ anything in the world. ♪
  669. ♪ My love is totally frenzy. ♪
  670. ♪ Not caring about ♪
    ♪ anything in the world. ♪
  671. ♪ My love is totally frenzy. ♪
  672. ♪ Haa… Aaa… ♪
    ♪ Ahan… ♪
  673. ♪ Haa… Aaa… ♪
    ♪ Ahan… ♪
  674. ♪ In my prayers, and ♪
  675. ♪ In my heaven, ♪
  676. ♪ Only Your ♪
    ♪ presence is there. ♪
  677. ♪ In my desires, and ♪
  678. ♪ In the sound of ♪
    ♪ my footsteps, ♪
  679. ♪ Only Your ♪
    ♪ intoxication is there. ♪
  680. ♪ I’m totally mad for you. ♪
  681. ♪ And abstract from ♪
    ♪ this world for you. ♪
  682. ♪ I adore you, ♪
    ♪ I desire you, ♪
  683. ♪ In my prayers, there is ♪
    ♪ your divine light alone. ♪
  684. ♪ In your senselessness, ♪
    ♪ In your magnificence, ♪
  685. ♪ Because of my love, ♪
    ♪ my heart is totally lost. ♪
  686. ♪ I’m totally mad for you. ♪
  687. ♪ And abstract from ♪
    ♪ this world for you. ♪
  688. ♪ I see you wherever I go. ♪
  689. ♪ I am impatient ♪
    ♪ for you alone. ♪
  690. ♪ My love is mad in excitement ♪
    ♪ cause of you. ♪
  691. ♪ Not caring about ♪
    ♪ anything in the world. ♪
  692. ♪ My love is totally frenzy. ♪
  693. ♪ Ho.. Hoo.. ♪
  694. (Indian Classical Notes)
    (Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni)
  695. ♪ Oho… Ou.. ♪
    ♪ Hoo.. ♪
  696. ♪ Oho… Ou.. ♪
    ♪ Hoo.. ♪
  697. ♪ I descend from the sky ♪
    ♪ to find you. ♪
  698. ♪ I had a fight with God ♪
    ♪ for the sake of your love. ♪
  699. ♪ You’re the beginning, ♪
    ♪ You’re the end, ♪
  700. ♪ I will live in ♪
    ♪ your care forever. ♪
  701. ♪ I’m totally mad for you. ♪
  702. ♪ And abstract from ♪
    ♪ this world for you. ♪
  703. ♪ Words don't console, ♪
    ♪ nor stories distract. ♪
  704. ♪ I just find peace ♪
    ♪ after seeing you. ♪
  705. ♪ You are my guide, ♪
  706. ♪ You’re my beloved, ♪
  707. ♪ You affect my whole being. ♪
  708. ♪ I’m totally mad for you. ♪
  709. ♪ And abstract from ♪
    ♪ this world for you. ♪
  710. ♪ Now I’m obsessed ♪
    ♪ about you. ♪
  711. ♪ A fire burns in ♪
    ♪ my heart for you. ♪
  712. ♪ I am yours. ♪
    ♪ Lost in love for you. ♪
  713. ♪ Not caring about ♪
    ♪ anything in the world. ♪
  714. ♪ My love is totally frenzy. ♪
  715. ♪ Not caring about ♪
    ♪ anything in the world. ♪
  716. ♪ My love is totally frenzy. ♪
  717. ♪ Not caring about ♪
    ♪ anything in the world. ♪
  718. ♪ My love is totally frenzy. ♪
  719. - Come on, guys. Pack up fast.
    - Great show tonight, boss.
  720. Sir, put your hands behind
    your head, please.
  721. You really can endure pain.
  722. What's this about, Jai?
  723. Closemouthed Charlie.
  724. The mysterious clown.
  725. Unseen by all.
  726. Nice story.
  727. I'd like to believe you, but..
  728. ..believing stories
    isn't my job.
  729. I believe only what my eyes see.
  730. Trying to help us
    was a smart way..
  731. ..of checking the
    bank's security systems.
  732. Only three men knew..
  733. ..the new security codes.
  734. Two officers and..
  735. ..a thief.
  736. Me?
  737. The jacket and shirt,
    take it off.
  738. What?
  739. Why?
  740. A 9mm bullet..
  741. ..always leaves a mark.
  742. Take it off.
  743. Making a mistake, Jai.
  744. NOW!
  745. Not a scratch.
  746. What?
  747. Nothing.
  748. Sergeant, body scanner.
  749. He's clean, sir.
  750. It can't be. Give it to me.
  751. What do you want?
  752. No one can hide a bullet wound
    that easily. That not possible.
  753. How did you do it?
  754. I'm a circus man.
  755. Tricks are my trade.
  756. That bullet came from my gun.
  757. I showed you a hand
    of friendship.
  758. A cop and thief can
    only be enemies.
  759. Let's go.
  760. Sir, we have to go now.
    We're very sorry, sir.
  761. Actually I am sorry.
  762. I regret..
  763. ..I didn't aim
    between your eyes.
  764. Promise I won't make
    that mistake again.
  765. What's your trick?
  766. Pity we aren't friends.
  767. Or I'd tell you for sure.
  768. Don't know about friendship.
  769. But I'm a real good enemy.
    Never forget it.
  770. Is it hurting a lot?
  771. People of God are we.
  772. Who can defy us?
  773. People of God are we.
  774. Who can defy us?
  775. Basking under a thousand
    suns of hope.
  776. With steely resolve.
  777. With fearless step.
  778. Today we set forth to write..
  779. ..our destiny.
  780. - Where's my box?
    - Your box?
  781. No time for fun and games.
  782. Say please.
  783. Are you nuts?
  784. Please, His Highness
    Samar the Great.
  785. Where's my box?
  786. The pawnshop closes at 6.
  787. You'll get nothing for that.
  788. Here.
  789. Keep your watch.
    You'll be crying later.
  790. Two rings.
  791. Silver symbol AG.
  792. 5.5 grams.
  793. Total price, 6.070 dollars.
  794. Casio G Shock. DW 5000.
  795. Street price, 20 dollars.
  796. Don't be too smart.
  797. l'am smart.
  798. His Highness Samar the Great.
    Thank you. Welcome.
  799. People of God are we.
  800. Who can defy us?
  801. Basking under a thousand suns..
  802. ..of hope.
  803. With steely resolve.
  804. With fearless step.
  805. Today we set forth..
  806. ..to write our destiny.
  807. And now, gentlemen, my new act.
  808. An act that has never
    been seen before.
  809. We were father's two hands.
  810. One unseen.
  811. The other seen.
  812. Papa would say
    everyone has a secret.
  813. Our Secret. Me.
  814. The ace in his deck of cards.
  815. But Papa, had another secret.
  816. He hid from us that day.
  817. Papa said, 'You're my secret,
    the key to the trick.'
  818. 'No one must know.
    Always stay invisible'.
  819. So, no one saw me.
    No one heard me.
  820. I stayed hidden in the box.
    I wasn't scared.
  821. But seeing you like that..
    terrified me.
  822. Scared I can't walk
    on your back anymore.
  823. Who'd massage you?
  824. Who'd tell you, 'Papa,
    you've missed that bit'.
  825. - Nothing escapes you.
    - I see all. Remember all.
  826. That's why I hide you.
  827. You're my secret.
  828. My angel. If anyone saw you,
    they'd steal you away from me.
  829. Still carrying him?
  830. He's a big boy now.
    You spoil him.
  831. I'm father's angel.
  832. Angels don't touch the ground.
  833. Angel? You pistachio.
    I'll eat you up.
  834. I smell the bad
    smell of jealousy.
  835. Bravo!
  836. Say thank you.
  837. Don't let go, Samar.
  838. Never let go of Sahir's hand.
  839. Never.
  840. Never leave his side.
  841. Never let go of his hand.
    Never leave his side.
  842. Never let go of his hand.
    Never leave his side.
  843. His Highness Samar the Great.
  844. Have your medicine.
  845. Papa was gone.
  846. But the bank is still here.
  847. Always will be. Because no one
    can destroy a bank.
  848. It's made of stone.
  849. The bank's face, heart..
  850. And mind.. all stone.
  851. That day we both knew..
  852. ..we'd destroy it.
  853. They didn't like our act.
  854. We'll show them.
  855. Again and again.
  856. We won't stop till we perish.
  857. Or the bank perishes.
  858. The world sees one.
  859. But we're two.
  860. One seen.
  861. The other unseen.
  862. Papa said I was his angel.
  863. Angels have blessed me.
  864. I forget nothing.
  865. That's my great talent.
  866. God's gift to me. His reward.
  867. A reward shared with the bank.
  868. This passage is very narrow.
  869. What's in it?
  870. What smells so good?
  871. It's a secret.
  872. Some things are
    best left a secret.
  873. Maybe everyone has a secret..
  874. ..they never share.
  875. They just can't.
  876. Haven't even told Sahir.
  877. But I'll tell you, Papa.
  878. My secret is..
  879. Aliya.
  880. No one in the world is
    as lovely as Aliya.
  881. The most beautiful girl.
  882. With the nicest name.
  883. Aliya.
  884. Even when I'm far from
    her it's all right.
  885. I like saying her name.
  886. I like thinking of her.
  887. It's silly, but..
  888. ..I like it.
  889. Good night, Aliya.
  890. Mr. Jai Dixit.
  891. We regret to inform you..
  892. ..that your services are no
    longer required on this case.
  893. The bank and the police..
  894. ..no longer have
    confidence in you.
  895. From today all your access and
    special powers are revoked.
  896. You'll hand over..
  897. ..any materials you have
    regarding this case,
  898. ..and any firearms.
  899. - Where are we going?
    - Home.
  900. Mumbai's lock-up? Rum at night?
    Michael Jackson's tea at dawn?
  901. The airport train leaves in
    5 minutes. Quiet now.
  902. Ali was a punter. Now a cop.
  903. ..thanks to you.
  904. Being with you is scary.
  905. The fear of death looms over us.
  906. But never the risk
    of losing face.
  907. Today you might..
  908. ..lose face.
  909. Know what they'll say?
  910. Those idiot cops ran back to India,
    tail between their legs.
  911. The impression we make
    in foreign countries sticks.
  912. When did a mad cap like you need
    an invite to catch a thief?
  913. Anyone dumping on your
    name must be screwed.
  914. Think of a cracking idea.
    Wash away this humiliation.
  915. I live in your shadow.
    No problem for me.
  916. At home every overworked, underpaid
    cop pins his hopes on you.
  917. For us your name is another
    word for honour, Jai.
  918. Don't change that.
  919. What now?
  920. Running tail between
    the legs is cancelled.
  921. Operation screw him starts!
  922. Jai-Ali style.
  923. This isn't our country.
  924. But we're police officers.
  925. Till now we were bound
    by rules and protocol.
  926. We came here all compliant.
  927. But when we leave,
    we go with a blast.
  928. Brother,
  929. Glad we stayed.
  930. But how do we figure
    out how he operates?
  931. Remember his circus trick?
  932. He's the king of the circus.
    I'm his great fan.
  933. To understand how
    he robs banks..
  934. ..we must understand
    his circus act.
  935. Brother, my brain is raisin-size.
    Small but sweet.
  936. Don't overload it. You
    decide how we get him.
  937. We find answers.
  938. Victoria.
  939. And all our answers..
  940. ..are here.
  941. Sahir is hiding something.
  942. Finding the hidden is
    something I enjoy.
  943. ♪'Tu Hi Junoon' by Mohit Chauhan♪
  944. ♪ You're like ♪
    ♪ refined sunlight. ♪
  945. ♪ Golden like the sunset. ♪
  946. ♪ My heart tells me ♪
    ♪ to let myself go.. ♪
  947. ♪ ..as I say your name. ♪
  948. ♪ You're like ♪
    ♪ refined sunlight. ♪
  949. ♪ Golden like the sunset. ♪
  950. ♪ My heart tells me ♪
    ♪ to let myself go.. ♪
  951. ♪ ..as I say your name. ♪
  952. ♪ When you rise, ♪
    ♪ the day begins. ♪
  953. ♪ You are extinguished, ♪
    ♪ it is night. ♪
  954. ♪ My heart wants ♪
    ♪ me to sacrifice.. ♪
  955. ♪ ..my life on you. ♪
  956. ♪ You are my passion. ♪
  957. ♪ You are my satisfaction. ♪
  958. ♪ Passion.. ♪
  959. ♪ You are my passion. ♪
  960. ♪ You are my satisfaction. ♪
  961. ♪ Hey… ♪
    ♪ Hey Hey.. ♪
  962. ♪ Hey Ai… Ae… ♪
  963. ♪ Hmmm Ooo… ♪
  964. ♪ Hmmm.. ♪
    ♪ Hoo.. Oho… ♪
  965. ♪ Stars! ♪
  966. ♪ All the stars.. ♪
  967. ♪ Have been started ♪
    ♪ to cheat me. ♪
  968. ♪ You are my passion.. ♪
  969. ♪ All day. ♪
  970. ♪ They have begun to.. ♪
  971. ♪ Show me dreams. ♪
  972. ♪ You are my satisfaction. ♪
  973. ♪ You're a tied chain, ♪
  974. ♪ And you're the ♪
    ♪ aching lover. ♪
  975. ♪ My heart tells me.. ♪
  976. ♪ ..to surrender to you. ♪
  977. ♪ You're like ♪
    ♪ a dancing arrow, ♪
  978. ♪ And like a ♪
    ♪ two-edged sword. ♪
  979. ♪ My heart tells me to accept.. ♪
  980. ♪ ..all your attacks with smile. ♪
  981. ♪ You are my passion. ♪
  982. ♪ You are my satisfaction. ♪
  983. ♪ Passion.. ♪
  984. ♪ You are my passion. ♪
  985. ♪ You are my satisfaction. ♪
  986. ♪ The dark sky has ♪
    ♪ begun to dissolve, ♪
  987. ♪ It has dissolved. ♪
  988. ♪ Clouds have begun to ♪
    ♪ open the heart, ♪
  989. ♪ It has opened. ♪
  990. ♪ Night has turned to day ♪
    ♪ since I have found you. ♪
  991. ♪ It has turned. ♪
  992. ♪ The scars on the moon ♪
    ♪ are washed away now. ♪
  993. ♪ With the pen of my heart.. ♪
  994. ♪ ..I've written your name. ♪
  995. ♪ Tied your name in ♪
    ♪ an amulet.. ♪
  996. ♪ ..to wear forever. ♪
  997. ♪ When you rise, ♪
    ♪ the day begins. ♪
  998. ♪ You are extinguished, ♪
    ♪ it is night. ♪
  999. ♪ Oho… ♪
  1000. ♪ My heart wants ♪
    ♪ me to sacrifice.. ♪
  1001. ♪ ..my life on you. ♪
  1002. ♪ You are my passion. ♪
  1003. ♪ You are my satisfaction. ♪
  1004. ♪ Passion.. ♪
  1005. ♪ You are my passion. ♪
  1006. ♪ You are my satisfaction. ♪
  1007. ♪ You are my passion. ♪
  1008. ♪ You are my satisfaction. ♪
  1009. ♪ You are my passion. ♪
  1010. ♪ You are my satisfaction. ♪
  1011. ♪ You are my passion. ♪
  1012. ♪ You are my satisfaction. ♪
  1013. ♪ You are my passion. ♪
  1014. ♪ You are my satisfaction. ♪
  1015. You wore my costume again.
  1016. How does it matter? No
    time for fun and games.
  1017. I know you wore my
    costume on purpose.
  1018. On purpose? Your costume?
    I smell jealousy.
  1019. - My cable is tight. Loosen it.
    - No, safety first.
  1020. I'll be fine.
  1021. I fly across 400ft and land on
    the stage in 34 seconds.
  1022. Loosen the cable and..
  1023. ..I'll somersault and make it
    in 29 seconds.
  1024. Don't be too smart.
  1025. But I am smart. So?
  1026. Don't you think your entry is..
  1027. ..too quick? Slow it down.
    It'll look better.
  1028. More real. No?
  1029. Real? They come to see magic.
    Why not show it?
  1030. - What time are rehearsals?
    - Tomorrow's Sunday. Day off.
  1031. Samar, don't go out tomorrow.
    Let's work on our new act.
  1032. I go to Six Flags tomorrow.
  1033. Please listen to me.
  1034. Why are you so stubborn?
  1035. Mr. Absent-Minded!
    Forgot the box again.
  1036. Where's your mind?
  1037. He's a deadly mix, boss.
  1038. One seen, the other unseen.
  1039. One shot, the other checked.
  1040. Doesn't one brother
    look retarded?
  1041. Bit less than you.
  1042. Let me handle the retard.
    You two go after Sahir.
  1043. Why?
  1044. This case is as transparent
    as Lonavla's waterfall.
  1045. 'jharana' meaning waterfall.
  1046. We know their secret now.
  1047. We walk in there and handcuff
    those dead ringers.
  1048. - Yeah?
    - Hmm.
  1049. - On what charge?
    - They're twins. Two-in-one.
  1050. No crime in being twins, Ali.
  1051. If we arrest them now, we won't
    get a stolen dime back.
  1052. Sahir is too smart for that.
  1053. Victoria, slide over.
  1054. So, how? They won't ask
    us before robbing again.
  1055. Sahir's strength is his twin.
    His weakness, too.
  1056. You're way above my head.
  1057. Be direct. What do we do?
  1058. Sunday 14th May.
  1059. Sahir says I look like
    a hip hop artist.
  1060. I told him,
  1061. 'Six days a week I
    look like you.'
  1062. 'One day of the week
    I look like me'.
  1063. Every Sunday he makes some
    excuse asking me not to go out.
  1064. I know why he says that.
  1065. Because it scares him
    when I go out alone.
  1066. But, no problem for me.
  1067. I can look after myself.
  1068. The truth? I have great fun.
  1069. Great fun.
  1070. I live in that box for days.
  1071. Only on Sundays do I feel
    the air caress my face.
  1072. My nose turns cold as ice.
  1073. Love it.
  1074. Love scrawling my name.
  1075. My name.
  1076. Only my name.
  1077. For two minutes I tell
    the world my secret.
  1078. Then the secret vanishes,
    all on its own.
  1079. Just like me.
  1080. - Two burgers. One Mountain Dew.
    - Yes, sir.
  1081. - 8$ 20.
    - Thanks you
  1082. Hi. One happy Burger, please.
  1083. Thief, thief! Hey you. Stop!
    Someone, stop that thief.
  1084. Hey you Indian, come back.
  1085. I'll kill you.
  1086. Excuse me to, please.
  1087. You see Indian thief? Tall chap?
    This much, you see him?
  1088. I kill him with this.
  1089. Thank you. Thank you.
  1090. I kill you, I kill you.
  1091. You, I no kill. You stay. I
    go killing Indian thief.
  1092. Coming back, taking your
    phone number. Okay.
  1093. Thank you. Thank you.
  1094. Stealing? Very bad.
  1095. Hey,
  1096. I'm not a thief.
  1097. If you don't eat for 4 days, your
    sense of morality vanishes.
  1098. Happy Burger! Makes you happy
    if you eat it.
  1099. Know who the real
    big thieves are?
  1100. The banks.
  1101. They can ruin a man
    in a matter of days.
  1102. Everyone steals.
  1103. But you must find
    something worth stealing.
  1104. What do you steal?
  1105. Fun!
  1106. Terrific ride. But
    there's one even better.
  1107. - Which one?
    - Raging Bull.
  1108. Let's go.
  1109. Where are you going?
  1110. I come here every Sunday
    from 11.45 to 3.
  1111. Can't miss the bus home.
  1112. See you next Sunday? Same time?
    We'll steal some fun.
  1113. The Great Indian Circus.
    Great fun.
  1114. Thanks, my friend.
  1115. I've never had any friends.
  1116. Neither have I.
  1117. Good.
  1118. Good.
  1119. See you.
  1120. Papa, I thought I didn't
    know how to make friends.
  1121. But friendship isn't maths.
    No rules like maths.
  1122. My first friend.
  1123. I felt like telling Sahir.
    But he won't like it.
  1124. He has no time for friendship.
  1125. Some things are
    best left a secret.
  1126. I have two secrets now.
  1127. Aliya.
  1128. And my friend.
  1129. Victoria,
  1130. That's real brains.
    Brains in Hindi is..?
  1131. 'Akal.'
  1132. God gave me movie star looks.
  1133. And gave Jai brains as
    sharp as Karim's razor.
  1134. Karim? Who? He bleaches
    my face, cuts my hair.
  1135. You think she's
    researching your life?
  1136. No brother. I'm
    researching hers.
  1137. I have her horoscope. Native place,
    beauty parlour, the lot.
  1138. You're here to catch a thief.
    Do your job. Got it?
  1139. Victoria,
  1140. This is the list of things
    I need to know about..
  1141. Sahir and the Great
    Indian Circus.
  1142. You think you can
    find out for me?
  1143. I'll get on it.
  1144. How will his history help us?
  1145. Because it'll tell us what
    Sahir plans to do next.
  1146. You really won't get it.
    So don't act like you do.
  1147. Shall I act like she's my date?
  1148. Focus on your work.
    Not on the Kamasutra.
  1149. - Mr. lqbal Khan, how are you?
    - I'm fine, Jennifer.
  1150. My locker, please.
  1151. I've been well. Just
    my knees, you know.
  1152. This weekend my boyfriend
    was playing basketball..
  1153. Great!
  1154. This is for you.
    Here you go.
  1155. Thank you. See you in a minute.
  1156. Papa, you said as long as
    I have these 25$..
  1157. ..no bank in the world can
    shut our circus down.
  1158. This is the bank's last day, Papa.
  1159. The bank is about to close.
  1160. Forever.
  1161. Adding two and two? Eh?
  1162. Tomorrow you'll see four.
  1163. His Highness the Great.
  1164. The burger thief?
  1165. I found myself a job.
    Today it's my treat.
  1166. I saw your circus act.
  1167. Too good.
  1168. I want your autograph.
    And a photograph.
  1169. I clapped like crazy at the end.
    But you didn't see me.
  1170. Forget me. You didn't even
    notice your girlfriend Aliya.
  1171. The Wonder Girl.
  1172. She isn't my GF.
  1173. Aliya isn't your GF?
  1174. Why not?
  1175. What makes you think
    she's my girlfriend?
  1176. I have very sharp eyes.
  1177. I read minds at a glance.
  1178. The way she looked at you only
    a GF looks at her BF like that.
  1179. Thought she'd kiss you.
  1180. She's not that kind.
  1181. You know nothing.
  1182. Stupid.
  1183. Happy burger.
  1184. - Makes you happy..
    - I know.
  1185. I love her.
  1186. So? I was spot on.
  1187. But she isn't my GF.
  1188. She doesn't even know
    that I like her.
  1189. Impossible, my friend.
  1190. When you stand near her
    and hold her hand..
  1191. Know how she looks at you?
  1192. The way Laila looks at her
    beloved Majnu.
  1193. When you dance with her..
  1194. ..she looks at you the way..
  1195. ..Angelina looks at Brad.
  1196. When she stands close to you..
  1197. ..know how she looks?
  1198. The way Aliya looks at Sahir.
  1199. Yes!
  1200. She sees no one but Sahir.
  1201. She looks the way..
  1202. ..Aliya looks at Sahir.
  1203. See? I knew it.
  1204. Sees no one but Sahir.
  1205. The way Aliya looks at Sahir..
  1206. But.. but..
  1207. But Samar sees only Aliya.
  1208. Samar sees only Aliya.
  1209. I'm doing your act today.
  1210. You will take my place
    and I'll take yours.
  1211. What?
  1212. Are you crazy?
  1213. Want the circus to close down?
  1214. Why say that?
  1215. Why? Don't you know why?
  1216. That's our trick. The world sees one,
    but we're two.
  1217. As if anyone would find out.
  1218. What?
  1219. No.
  1220. I'm doing it.
  1221. You can't. We haven't rehearsed.
  1222. Don't need to.
  1223. I'm always Sahir. Today see what
    being Samar is like.
  1224. - Stop it! You can't do it.
    - Sure I can.
  1225. We swap places today.
  1226. 5 minutes. And you're on.
  1227. All right.
  1228. You're Sahir today.
  1229. I'm Samar.
  1230. For the first..
  1231. ..and the last time.
  1232. People of God are we.
    Who can defy us?
  1233. I'd never forget Papa's words.
    No need reminding me.
  1234. You're totally crazy, boss.
  1235. Always have been.
  1236. I thought it was just me.
  1237. But I think you were flirting too.
  1238. I love this 'flirting' term.
  1239. Something happened today.
    No! A lot happened.
  1240. Something electric flowed
    between us.
  1241. I can still feel it.
  1242. Well?
  1243. What do we do about
    this electricity?
  1244. What do we do?
  1245. Boss, when some things happen in
    life, you can't let them pass.
  1246. Everything has its moment.
    It's all timing.
  1247. One second late.
  1248. It's all over.
  1249. If I walk away, all shy.
  1250. A year later, I'm throwing
    petals on your wedding day.
  1251. Blaming my bad luck.
    If only I had spoken out.
  1252. If only I had said something.
    If only, if only.
  1253. See,
  1254. I'm not an 'if only' person.
  1255. So, um.
  1256. How about a date?
  1257. - You and me.
    - OK.
  1258. Okay. Okay.
  1259. - Ten minutes?
    - OK.
  1260. At the gate. Okay.
  1261. ♪ You are my passion. ♪
  1262. ♪ You are my satisfaction. ♪
  1263. ♪ Passion.. ♪
  1264. ♪ You are my passion. ♪
  1265. ♪ You are my satisfaction. ♪
  1266. Going somewhere?
  1267. Yes.
  1268. It's not Sunday.
  1269. I have a date.
  1270. With Aliya.
  1271. Aliya?
  1272. Ohh. Aliya!
  1273. Okay.
  1274. So you like her?
  1275. Does she like you?
  1276. Yeah.
  1277. But who does she really like?
  1278. - Me, of course.
    - Yes? Like all the others..
  1279. ..she knows only me.
  1280. - Why didn't she speak before?
    - 'cause I never gave her the chance.
  1281. Look,
  1282. We're this close to our goal.
    This close.
  1283. We're winning, the bank's losing
    because we're two.
  1284. Papa's secret.
  1285. Our lives have one purpose.
  1286. So don't do anything to
    threaten that purpose.
  1287. She'll feel bad if
    I don't show up.
  1288. I'll feel bad too.
  1289. It's just one evening.
  1290. I'm not a kid anymore.
  1291. What did you imagine?
  1292. You see her and she'll fall
    head over heels for you?
  1293. How?
  1294. How will you talk to her?
    Stammer away?
  1295. You'll get all tongue-tied.
  1296. You're a secret. Hidden in
    that box for good reason.
  1297. Because you're weak.
  1298. We've always protected you.
    First Papa. Then me.
  1299. Never faced the world. That's
    why you're inside and I'm out.
  1300. On the stage we can pass as one.
    Not in the real world.
  1301. In two minutes, she'll realise
    you're not Sahir.
  1302. Stick that in your skull
    till it totally sinks in.
  1303. You're my shadow. Stay that way.
    You bloody idiot.
  1304. I'm not a shadow.
  1305. I'm Samar.
  1306. I'm not weak. I'm Samar.
  1307. Papa's two hands.
  1308. Sahir and Samar.
  1309. Today, you get all the
    praise for my act.
  1310. My ideas. Applause for you.
  1311. Now you're the mastermind
    and I'm the threat?
  1312. We have the same face.
    But we have two minds.
  1313. Two hearts.
  1314. You want me to obey
    your every command.
  1315. I must want what you want.
    Feel what you feel. Why?
  1316. Why always me?
  1317. You be my shadow. Rot in that box.
    You're weak.
  1318. Sorry. Date cancelled.
  1319. Why?
  1320. Don't date boys with
    untied shoelaces.
  1321. Oh!
  1322. Come on.
  1323. What if I told you..
  1324. ..I don't know how to tie them.
  1325. Sweet trick!
  1326. Girl at your feet on
    the very first date.
  1327. I like it.
  1328. Albert Einstein.
  1329. He couldn't tie his
    shoelaces either.
  1330. It's a fact.
  1331. Okay.
  1332. Mr. Einstein of the circus.
  1333. The man who knows every
    trick in the book.
  1334. Except this.
  1335. I think It's kind of cute.
  1336. Almost sexy.
  1337. I can't brush my teeth
    with my right hand.
  1338. So what am I?
  1339. What is it?
  1340. Electricity.
  1341. - So where are we going?
    - I don't know.
  1342. Brother,
  1343. A dead ringer just walked
    by with a sexy babe in tow.
  1344. Follow them.
  1345. Roger. Over and out.
  1346. What?
  1347. Brother, since I got here..
  1348. I've been dying to say,
    'Over and out'.
  1349. Never had the chance.
  1350. - Ali?
    - Yes, brother.
  1351. Buzz off!
  1352. Buzzing off. Let's buzz.
  1353. Gentlemen.
  1354. Thank you for coming at short
    notice for this emergency meeting.
  1355. Whatever it is, it
    had better be good.
  1356. I don't have much time.
    Time is money.
  1357. Absolutely right, Mr. Anderson.
    You don't have much time.
  1358. And if you don't be
    quiet and listen to me,
  1359. soon you won't have
    any money either.
  1360. Gentlemen, The Western Bank of
    Chicago is being robbed for a reason.
  1361. That reason is the
    Great Indian Circus.
  1362. Sahir Khan, the owner of the circus,
    is the son of Iqbal Haroon Khan.
  1363. A gentleman who 25 years ago..
  1364. ..took his life because of you
    and your bank, Mr. Anderson.
  1365. What's your point?
  1366. My point isn't for you.
    It's for the Chicago Police.
  1367. What do you need?
  1368. Cooperation. I'm bringing him in.
  1369. What is it?
  1370. When you're in a crowd..
  1371. ..you're the only one I see.
  1372. Now there's only you.
  1373. And I don't know how
    to look at you.
  1374. Careful, boss.
  1375. Talk like that and people will
    think you're my boyfriend.
  1376. - Let them.
    - Okay.
  1377. So which one is my boyfriend?
  1378. You really are two people.
  1379. You know that, right?
  1380. One is my boss.
  1381. Nice..
  1382. But has a big ego.
  1383. He always ignores me.
  1384. And there's you.
  1385. When you look at me, I feel..
  1386. ..as though I'm the
    answer to every question.
  1387. Like I'm the rain.
  1388. Falling only for you.
  1389. You look at me..
  1390. The way you're looking now.
  1391. Tell me.
  1392. Which me..
  1393. ..do you like?
  1394. ♪ You are my passion. ♪
  1395. ♪ You are my satisfaction. ♪
  1396. ♪ Passion.. ♪
  1397. ♪ You are my passion. ♪
  1398. ♪ You are my satisfaction. ♪
  1399. This one.
  1400. Good evening, sir.
  1401. Sorry, the park is
    closing in 5 minutes.
  1402. Hope you had a great day here.
  1403. You're my best friend.
  1404. All thanks to you, best friend.
  1405. You think of me as a friend?
  1406. Yeah.
  1407. Will you keep my secret?
  1408. Okay.
  1409. ACP Jai Dixit. Mumbai Police.
  1410. Jai Dixit?
  1411. I made friends for a reason.
  1412. But I know the meaning
    of friendship now.
  1413. Friends don't use each other.
  1414. Don't be scared.
    It was all a sham.
  1415. But..
  1416. But, the friendship wasn't.
  1417. Friends don't lie.
  1418. Samar, I'm here to help you.
  1419. You lied to me.
  1420. Samar,
  1421. The bank wronged your father.
    They've been punished enough.
  1422. They've lost all face. Their
    shares have plummeted.
  1423. They're bust.
  1424. But it's still around.
  1425. Papa isn't.
  1426. Forgiveness is
    better than revenge.
  1427. You've had your revenge.
  1428. Time to stop your fight.
  1429. You lied to me.
  1430. lied to me.
  1431. I know you and Sahir are twins.
  1432. You're the secret of
    Sahir's great circus.
  1433. The police know you pulled
    off the heists together.
  1434. You know our secret? Not good.
  1435. Samar,
  1436. You're my friend.
  1437. I'm here for you.
  1438. But you must help me.
  1439. Come with me. Give a statement
    to the police. Turn yourself in.
  1440. Trust me.
  1441. I'll help you both in court.
  1442. We'll make an leniency plea.
  1443. No. No. No.
  1444. Samar, you've no option.
  1445. I'm asking you because
    Sahir won't listen to me.
  1446. He won't stop his mission.
  1447. Do you know how this ends?
    In death.
  1448. Only you can save the situation.
  1449. Save your brother. Save yourself.
    And Aliya's love.
  1450. Trust me. There's no way out.
  1451. I'm your friend. Please trust me.
  1452. Mr. Jai Dixit.
  1453. You're like a bad
    cold one can't shake.
  1454. Sahir the Wizard.
  1455. I'm a circus man. We don't
    only fool the eye..
  1456. ..but death too. Every day.
  1457. I like your trick.
  1458. You're a real magician.
  1459. Guile.
  1460. Invention.
  1461. And deception.
  1462. Put them together and
    that's magic for you.
  1463. So a cop and thief can only
    be enemies? Right, Mr. Dixit?
  1464. Making a mistake.
  1465. I can help you.
  1466. It was never your fight, Jai.
  1467. I gave you the chance to
    go back to India.
  1468. But you..
  1469. ..you conned us.
  1470. Samar is innocent, weak.
  1471. You're weak without him.
  1472. Actually you're right.
  1473. You're right.
  1474. But you weren't right by Samar.
  1475. Played with his feelings.
  1476. Used him.
  1477. They say think good
    thoughts before dying.
  1478. So remember your few good deeds.
  1479. I'd happily watch you die.
  1480. But..
  1481. I have a bank to wipe out.
  1482. Enjoy the ride.
  1483. - Ali?
    - Timing.
  1484. It's all about timing, brother.
  1485. 22nd May.
  1486. The most important and
    dangerous day of our lives.
  1487. The storm that
    shook our souls..
  1488. ..will smile and still itself.
  1489. Because today we wrap the Western
    Bank of Chicago in a shroud.
  1490. Today the Western Bank
    of Chicago gets buried.
  1491. Move! Move!
  1492. Take your positions.
    Go! Go!
  1493. Go! Go!
  1494. Gas! Get everybody out. Go!
  1495. Come on.
  1496. Come on. Go! Go!
  1497. Damn it!
  1498. Samar, ready?
  1499. Always.
  1500. ♪ Dhoom machale ♪
  1501. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  1502. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  1503. Thank you, Mummy. Spotted
    us from heaven? Wow!
  1504. - Say thank you.
    - Let's go.
  1505. ♪ Dhoom machale ♪
  1506. Never caught a thief
    by moonlight.
  1507. If I wasn't a cop, I'd
    write a poem right now.
  1508. Brother, I can think of one.
    May I?
  1509. Next time.
  1510. ♪ Dhoom machale ♪
  1511. Got a poem for this situation, too.
    May I?
  1512. Brother, forget them!
  1513. Can't catch them. Confirmed.
  1514. The night belongs to thieves.
  1515. Let him run.
  1516. The morning belongs to us.
  1517. How? He always has a new
    card up his sleeve.
  1518. But I hold an ace.
  1519. Victoria,
  1520. I need choppers and a
    SWAT team at sunrise.
  1521. Samar,
  1522. Samar,
  1523. We'll find a way.
  1524. Samar, let's go.
  1525. No. She's crying.
  1526. It's a set-up. Come.
  1527. Sahir,
  1528. It's over.
  1529. I don't want to run
    any more, Jai.
  1530. No place left to run.
  1531. You can arrest me, but..
  1532. ..you've no proof
    to show in court.
  1533. It'll take a lifetime to prove.
  1534. Here's all the proof you need.
  1535. How and when I pulled
    off the heists.
  1536. Everything.
  1537. Take me in.
  1538. Let Samar go.
  1539. The guilty must be punished.
  1540. Not my brother.
  1541. Not Samar.
  1542. It was all me, Jai.
  1543. All my planning.
    I did everything.
  1544. Come on, Jai.
  1545. You have the thief.
    What more do you want?
  1546. Samar is innocent..
    let him go.
  1547. Come on, Jai.
  1548. It's a good deal.
  1549. It's a deal.
  1550. You promise?
  1551. You don't need to pretend
    you're Sahir anymore.
  1552. You're not a shadow now.
    You're Samar.
  1553. You're not weak. You're Samar.
  1554. Time for hiding is over.
  1555. Time you live and dream.
  1556. We were two.
  1557. We lived as one.
  1558. One will live now.. for us two.
  1559. Where to?
  1560. Let go!
  1561. They can't touch you, Samar.
  1562. It ends with me.
  1563. You'll be with Aliya. Free.
  1564. I won't let go.
  1565. Let go, Samar.
  1566. Papa said, 'Never let go of his hand.'
  1567. 'Never leave his side.'
  1568. Let go, brother.
  1569. This world isn't for me.
  1570. People of God are we.
  1571. Who can defy us?
  1572. People of God are we.
  1573. Who can defy us?
  1574. Basking under a thousand
    suns of hope.
  1575. With steely resolve.
  1576. With fearless step.
  1577. Today we set forth to write..
  1578. ..our destiny.
  1579. ♪ High up in the sky ♪
  1580. ♪ ls our world. ♪
  1581. ♪ In its shimmering folds ♪
  1582. ♪ Is our happiness. ♪
  1583. ♪ With the moon's mesh. ♪
  1584. ♪ We'll gather the stars. ♪
  1585. ♪ This place is a place of magic. ♪
  1586. ♪ Free of all sorrow. ♪
  1587. ♪ People of God are we. ♪
  1588. ♪ Who can defy us? ♪
  1589. ♪ Basking under a thousand.. ♪
  1590. ♪ ..suns of hope. ♪
  1591. ♪ With steely resolve. ♪
  1592. ♪ With fearless step. ♪
  1593. ♪ Today we set forth to write.. ♪
  1594. ♪ ..our destiny. ♪
  1595. The Western Bank of
    Chicago shuts down today.
  1596. Closes its doors forever.
  1597. Their stocks have crashed.
  1598. It's a huge disaster
    for Mr. Warren Anderson.
  1599. I'm sorry Mr. Anderson
    has no comments.
  1600. Mr. Anderson..
  1601. What happened? Did the
    robber bring you down?
  1602. - No questions.
    - We need answers.
  1603. The Western Bank of
    Chicago's final day.
  1604. it can no longer undo lives now.
  1605. Some people break the law to fix
    what's broken inside of them.
  1606. Who knows what's right or wrong.
  1607. All I can say is you have
    won, Sahir and Samar.
  1608. But true victory belongs
    to dreams, not to revenge.
  1609. And that dream will flourish forever.
    Live forever.
  1610. Always bringing joy.
  1611. The greatest show on earth.
  1612. The Great Indian Circus.
  1613. ♪ 'Dhoom Machale Dhoom' ♪
    ♪ by Aditi Singh Sharma ♪
  1614. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom ♪
    ♪ Its on the head, ♪
  1615. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  1616. ♪ It's an intoxication, ♪
    ♪ Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  1617. ♪ Get lost in this. ♪
  1618. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom ♪
    ♪ It's a bustle, ♪
  1619. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  1620. ♪ It's in every street, ♪
    ♪ Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  1621. ♪ Get lost in it. ♪
  1622. ♪ Dhoom is intoxication, ♪
    ♪ Dhoom is passion, ♪
  1623. ♪ Dhoom is commotion, ♪
    ♪ Dhoom is peace, ♪
  1624. ♪ Forget everything else and dance ♪
  1625. ♪ Make a blast ♪
  1626. ♪ We Rock It, We Roll It, ♪
    ♪ So Come On You People! ♪
  1627. ♪ Dhoom Machale ♪
  1628. ♪ Dhoom ♪
  1629. ♪ Dhoom Machale ♪
  1630. ♪ Dhoom ♪
  1631. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom ♪
    ♪ In body and soul, ♪
  1632. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  1633. ♪ Be there in the world, ♪
    ♪ Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  1634. ♪ Spread such an ♪
    ♪ amount of passion ♪
  1635. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom ♪
    ♪ On every tongue, ♪
  1636. ♪ Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  1637. ♪ There be your name, ♪
    ♪ Dhoom Dhoom ♪
  1638. ♪ Do something like that ♪
  1639. ♪ Dhoom is a spark, ♪
    ♪ Dhoom is a sign ♪
  1640. ♪ O my friend! May there be ♪
    ♪ dhoom once again ♪
  1641. ♪ Come on, attach Your hearts ♪
    ♪ with each other and dance ♪
  1642. ♪ Make a blast ♪
  1643. ♪ We Rock It, We Roll It, ♪
    ♪ You Ready To Party ♪
  1644. ♪ Dhoom Machale ♪
  1645. ♪ Dhoom ♪
  1646. ♪ Dhoom Machale ♪
  1647. ♪ Dhoom ♪
  1648. ♪ Don’t worry about tomorrow ♪
  1649. ♪ Enjoy today as ♪
    ♪ much as You can ♪
  1650. ♪ Life is but a couple ♪
    ♪ of moments long ♪
  1651. ♪ Steal every second to live ♪
  1652. ♪ Live life as ♪
    ♪ Your heart desires ♪
  1653. ♪ Smoke away Your sadness ♪
  1654. ♪ Dhoom Macha, Macha, ♪
    ♪ Macha, Macha… ♪
  1655. ♪ Macha, Macha.. ♪
  1656. ♪ It’s Time Now For ♪
    ♪ A Big Big Dhoom! ♪
  1657. ♪ Dhoom Machale ♪
  1658. ♪ Dhoom ♪
  1659. ♪ Dhoom Machale ♪
  1660. ♪ Dhoom ♪
Dhoom 3Directed byVijay Krishna AcharyaProduced byAditya ChopraScreenplay byVijay Krishna AcharyaStory byAditya Chopra
Vijay Krishna Acharya[1]StarringAamir Khan
Abhishek Bachchan
Katrina Kaif
Uday Chopra
Siddharth Nigam
Jackie Shroff
Tabrett Bethell
Andrew BicknellMusic byOriginal Songs:
Background Score:
Julius PackiamCinematographySudeep ChatterjeeEdited byRitesh Soni
Release date
Running time
172 minutes[2][3][4]CountryIndiaLanguageHindi
TeluguBudget175 croreBox officeest.589.2 crore[5]

Dhoom 3 (transl. Blast 3) is a 2013 Indian action thriller film written and directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya and produced by Aditya Chopra,[6][7] It stars Aamir Khan, Katrina Kaif, Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra in lead roles. It is the third installment of the Dhoom series and the sequel to Dhoom (2004) and Dhoom 2 (2006).

The film sees Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra reprise their roles as protagonists Jai and Ali. Aamir Khan plays the antagonist. Tabrett Bethell and Andrew Bicknell are also featured in supporting roles. Made on a budget of 175 crore (US$25 million), it was one of the most expensive Indian films.[8][9]Dhoom 3 was released on 20 December 2013,[10] as the first Indian film to be released in the IMAX motion picture film format[11] with Dolby Atmos surround sound.[12][13]

The film went on to gross 4 billion (US$58 million) worldwide in just ten days, to become the eleventh highest-grossing Indian film of all time.[14][15][16] The film was screened during the 2014 International Film Festival of India in the Celebrating Dance in Indian Cinema section.[17]

  • 3Production
  • 5Marketing
  • 6Soundtrack
  • 7Box office
    • 7.2Overseas
  • 8Critical reception


In the year 1990, 'The Great Indian Circus' owned by Iqbal Haroon Khan (Jackie Shroff) in Chicago, Illinois gets closed when he is unable to repay his loan. Young Sahir (Siddharth Nigam), his little son, pleads that the two would soon turn the corner. But Iqbal's rejected and commits suicide in front of the heartless bank leader Anderson. Twenty-three years later, Sahir (Aamir Khan) robs various branches of Western Bank of Chicago. Despite all efforts of law enforcement, the robbery isn't foiled and he successfully gets away. Officer Victoria (Tabrett Bethell) calls ACP Jai Dixit (Abhishek Bachchan) and his partner Ali (Uday Chopra), for help in solving the case. Jai baits Sahir into robbing again by making it known he's on the case and that the thief's an amateur. Sahir poses as an informant for Jai, and manages to gather information on the bank while giving Jai a lead to follow. Eventually, Sahir robs the bank and escapes, but Jai and Ali follow him. Jai, while hanging on a helicopter ladder, manages to shoot Sahir on the left shoulder before he disappears.

Sahir has a big premiere of a revamped version of The Great Indian Circus, with his female lead acrobat, Aaliya (Katrina Kaif), involving a trick with him disappearing in one place and showing up in another. The show is a success, but afterwards, Jay, Ali, and the police surround him, knowing he's the thief. Jai says the proof will be the gunshot wound, but when Sahir is examined, there is no evidence anywhere on his body. It is then revealed that Sahir has an autistic twin brother, Samar (also Aamir Khan), who helps him pull off his trick, helps him in planning and pulling of the robberies and he also shows it was Samar who sustained the wound.

Jai is fired from the case, but is encouraged by Ali to prove Sahir's guilt by going rogue. Jai eventually finds out about Samar, and sets about finding a way to corner Sahir. Samar, being mentally challenged, is kept in seclusion by Sahir. However, he allows Samar outdoors once a week, and Jai manages to befriend him during this time in order to perform his plan. Samar has fallen in love with Aaliya after performing with her in the circus, but cannot express it. This leads to a rift between the brothers. Jai tries to take advantage of this, but Sahir finds out and thwarts Jai's plan to stop them. When Sahir comes in the disguise of Samar, Jai reveals his true identity and assuming him to be Samar, tells him to surrender since he can give them justice. When Sahir reveals himself, he ties Jai to the track of a roller coaster and tells him that he used Samar for his own benefit. He switches the roller coaster on but Ali arrives in time to save him from being crushed. He decides the only way to catch the brothers is in the act of robbing. Sahir and Samar pull off their final bank heist, and escape. However, the following day, Jai manages to corner them as they're making their way out of town. They rob on 22 May. Samar is hesitant to run when Aaliya shows up, begging him to stop. Sahir surrenders to Jai, asking him to spare Samar. Jai agrees, but right after, Sahir attempts to jump off the dam. Samar grabs Sahir's hand, refusing to let him go. Sahir begs Samar otherwise, saying he can live freely with Aaliya. But Samar says that both of them are born together and should die together. Eventually, the two of them jump off the dam together. Western Bank of Chicago is shut down as a result of the heists, while Aaliya is shown having taken over The Great Indian Circus and still performing for it.


Credits adapted from Bollywood Hungama:[18]

  • Aamir Khan as Sahir Khan and Samar Khan
  • Katrina Kaif as Aaliya
  • Abhishek Bachchan as ACP Jai Dixit
  • Uday Chopra as Ali Akbar Fateh Khan
  • Jackie Shroff as Iqbal Khan
  • Tabrett Bethell as Victoria Williams
  • Andrew Bicknell as Mr. Warren Anderson
  • Siddharth Nigam as Young Sahir Khan / Young Samar Khan (dual role; extended cameo)



Prior to principal photography, the film enjoyed widespread media coverage[19][20] due to the tremendous box office successes[21][22][23] of previous instalments Dhoom 2 and Dhoom, thereby creating anticipation amongst audience and media.[24] On 2 January 2011, the producer of the previous Dhoom films Aditya Chopra, confirmed that the third instalment of the Dhoom series would begin principal photography by the end of 2011. Initially, the producers and the lead actor Aamir wanted to release the film on Christmas of 2012,[25] but the plan was scrapped in favour of an early release date in 2013, mainly due to a forecast that a Christmas release would force a rushed post-production schedule, which was considered unfavorable given the high degree of technicality required for the film.[26] Around 1.25 billion (US$18 million) was spent just on the production side of Dhoom 3.[27]

Reportedly, Chopra wanted to make the film in 3D after observing the successes of previous Bollywood films released in this format. However, actor Aamir Khan opined that the 3D technology needed expertise and was unsure of the outcome of its utilisation by the director.[28] As of September 2012, YRF Studios had not announced the production of the film in 3D.[29]


Aamir Khan was signed on to play the lead antagonist, while Uday Chopra and Abhishek Bachchan were confirmed to reprise their roles as Jai Dixit and Ali Akbar respectively.[30] Katrina Kaif was signed as the lead heroine, starring opposite Khan. He learned ballet,[31]aerobatics[32] and the French technique of parkour,[33] a method of movement focused on negotiating obstacles with speed and efficiency, while Kaif took paragliding training and singing lessons.[34] Bachchan reportedly lost nine kilos of weight to prepare for his role in the film.[35]Rimi Sen, who played the role of ACP Jai Dixit's (character played by Abhishek Bachchan) wife in the previous two instalments of the series, was not approached to play her character Sweety. However, she stated that she would not have reprised the role even if she were offered.[36][37]

Unlike the first two Dhoom films directed by Sanjay Gadhvi, Vijay Krishna Acharya, the writer of all three instalments of Dhoom, was roped in to direct Dhoom 3.[30] Olliver Keller was signed to direct the stunt scenes.[38]

Aamir Khan stated in an interview that his role in Dhoom 3 is the toughest role so far in his life.[39] The action scenes were directed by Conrad Palmisano and Sham Kaushal.[40] In an interview with IANS, Abhishek Bachchan expressed how every character of Dhoom 3 is significant: '..Dhoom is my film and I am the hero. Nobody can take that away from me. You can be the biggest or the smallest star but Dhoom is about Jai and Ali. It is as simple as that. If the characters of Jai and Ali are not there in Dhoom, the film won't be there.'[41]

On 23 September 2013, three months before the actual release of the film, DNA and other media news publications revealed that there could be a double role of Aamir Khan in Dhoom 3, but they did not confirm it.[42][43] The double role was only confirmed at the release of the film This made Dhoom 3 the first and currently the only film in the series in which the antagonist has a double role. However, this was not the first time the series featured a double role, since Bipasha Basu had a double role in Dhoom 2 as Shonali and Monali, but they did not share the same screen space, unlike Khan.


Contra Dam in Switzerland, where the climax of the film was shot

Dhoom 3 Movie Online Hd

Filming was scheduled to commence from November 2011, with scenes involving Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra being shot first,[44] but the former was off on a paternity leave, so shooting was postponed to January 2012. The schedule was then pushed to June because of lead actor Aamir's prior commitments with his TV show Satyamev JayatePpsspp gold exe file. ; in June, the filming schedule was further postponed for a month because Khan wanted to prepare himself for his role of a gymnast. Khan also wanted to concentrate on the marketing and promotion of his 2012 film Talaash.[45] Without any further delays, filming commenced with Jackie Shroff and Siddharth Nigam, the child actor playing the role of childhood Aamir Khan, on 8 June 2012 at Yash Raj Studios, Mumbai.[46]

Aamir Khan joined the crew in July 2012, filming for five days at Yash Raj Studios and further continued to shoot in Chicago and other parts of the United States. Khan, Abhishek Bachchan, Uday Chopra flew to the US on 4 August 2012 to complete a three-month schedule. On arrival in India in December 2012, Bachchan stated that fifty percent of filming was complete and would again resume in Mumbai.[47]

In the second week of March 2013, it was reported that the crew had departed to Zurich and Ticino, Switzerland to film the climax.[48][49] The shooting of the film finally wrapped up on 14 September 2013 at a suburban studio in Mumbai.[50]

The climatic scene in Dhoom 3 was shot at the famous arch dam, Contra Dam (commonly known as the Verzasca Dam) in Ticino, Switzerland.[51] It is the same dam that became a popular bungee jumping venue after a James Bond stuntman jumped off it in the opening scene of the 1995 film GoldenEye.[52]


In November 2013, Aditya Chopra sent out a message to movie exhibitors all over the country to 'Go digital or miss Dhoom 3.' In detailed statements he claimed, 'Release of movies through digital and UFO digital cinema prevents piracy as the prints are water-marked and finger-printed and can be traced back. It is believed that usually films are copied for piracy when the reels are being transported to theatres in the country and abroad. Digital cinema curbs piracy as the 'en route' content leakage is eliminated. It also makes sense economically as a producer saves a lot of print cost. Apart from that, encrypting the content protects the copyrights of the producers and distributors. Digital prints prevent duplication of prints and helps by diverting funds back to the cinemas.'[53][54][55][56]

IMAX Corporation and Yash Raj Films announced that Dhoom:3 would be the first Indian local language production to be released in the IMAX format. The film was digitally remastered in the IMAX format with proprietary IMAX DMR® (Digital Re-mastering) technology and was released in IMAX theatres across India and selective global locations.[57][58]Dhoom 3 was released with cinema sound technology Dolby Atmos. The film received a native Atmos mix at YRF Studios. Dhoom 3 was given a 12A certificate by the British Board of Film Certification for Moderate Violence 12 December 2013, for Moderate violence.[3] The film was released across 4500 screens in India (inclusive of Tamil and Telugu versions) along with 750 screens overseas.[59]Dhoom 3 had a release on 250 screens in West Bengal.[4][60][61][62][63] The maximum ticket price of the IMAX version of Dhoom 3 was Rs 900 (US$15) in India.[64][65][66][67]CinépolisPune set a unique record by hosting 54 shows of Dhoom 3 on 20 December 2013.[68]Dhoom 3 was also released in non-traditional overseas markets like Egypt, Peru, Germany and Malaysia.[69][70][71][72] Dhoom3 was slated to release in China on 25 July 2014.[73] This was to be the widest release ever for an Indian film in China, with 2000 screens across 400 cities.



'We believe that less is more for this film and even curiosity will be there'[60]

—Aamir Khan, on the promotional policy adopted by the makers.

The title logo of the film was released in a video that credited the main roles of the film. The score for the video constituted paced beats and electric guitars and was released on Christmas 2012 through Yash Raj Film's official YouTube channel, confirming the film for a Christmas 2013 release. The first working as well as promotional poster was also released nearly a year prior.[10] In August 2013, YRF released a motion poster of the film on YouTube, revealing the first look. It featured Aamir Khan with a hidden visage standing inside a tall building, looking at helicopters in the air through a glass window. A voiceover reveals that the Chicago police force is searching for a fugitive biker who vanished before he could be caught.[74][75] The satellite rights of Dhoom 3 were sold at a record price of 750 million (US$11 million).[76][77][78][79]The first teaser of Dhoom 3 was released on 5 September 2013 at 12 noon IST.[80][81][82][83] The teaser achieved 6 million views on YouTube within 6 days, subsequently receiving 12 million views in 20 days.[84][85][86][87][88][89] The film's teaser was also attached with the film Shuddh Desi Romance.[90][91] On 25 October Yash Raj Films launched a game based on the film for Windows Phones. Developed by 99Games Online (a subsidiary of Robosoft mobile games), the 3D game was set against the backdrop of Chicago and opens with a heist by the character played by Aamir Khan.[92][92][93] Within 20 days of its launch, the game witnessed over 1 million downloads on the Windows Phone Marketplace and Nokia Store.[94] The Android, iOS and Blackberry 10 version of the game was launched on 19 November 2013.[94]Dhoom: 3 The Game crossed five million downloads across all platforms in less than seven weeks of its launch on 19 November 2013.[95]Dhoom:3 mobile game surpassed 10 million downloads within three months since its release.[96][97]

The theatrical trailer was released in IMAX format on 30 October 2013 as well as on YouTube.[98]PVR Cinemas began advance booking for selected shows of the film same day the trailer had released, witnessing sales of just under 20 million (US$290,000) until 17 December 2013.[4]

Aamir Khan also promoted Dhoom 3 on the sets of Kaun Banega Crorepati.[99][100][101] The publicity campaign included tie-ins with over 17 leading brands including Mattel (manufacture of limited edit action figures, model cars and bikes), Gulf Oil, CEAT, Bombay Dyeing, Archies for stationery and the LINE social messaging application, along with 183 other brands.[2][4][102] A marketing pact was also made with BMW Motorrad, which has revealed that its S1000RR and K1300Rsport bikes would feature in the film.[103] A special screening of Dhoom 3 was held at Yash Raj Studios on 19 December 2013.[104][105][106] A special screening of Dhoom 3 that was attended by Raj Thackeray was organised on 22 December 2013.[107]


After the film's performance at the box office, Amul paid a tribute to the film in one of its creative advertisement campaign posters.[108] The poster features the words 'Dhoom Tea' in the same typography style as the film's logo is with a caption 'Chased everyday'.[108][109][110] 'The Dhoom Anthem' featuring Saba Azad was released by Yashraj Films on 26 December 2013.[111][112] A Spanish version of 'Dhoom Machale' song sung by Mia Mont was released by Yashraj Films on 4 January 2014.[113][114][115] In June 2014, 99Games Online launched the sequel to 'Dhoom: 3 The Game' mobile game, title as 'Dhoom:3 Jet Speed'.[116][117]


Dhoom 3
Soundtrack album by
Released8 December 2013
RecordedYRF Studios
Mumbai, India
GenreFeature film soundtrack
LabelYRF Music
ProducerAditya Chopra
D. Imman chronology
R.. Rajkumar
Dhoom 3
Singles from Dhoom 3
  1. 'Malang'
    Released: 2 December 2013 (Single)
    28 November 2013 (Song promo)
    5 December 2013 (Music video)

It was announced that the composer of Dhoom and Dhoom 2; Pritam, would return once again to compose the music of the third instalment.[118][119][120] Earlier reports suggested that Shefali Alvares had been roped to sing the Dhoom title track, but this turned out to be a rumour.[121] Aamir said in a statement that the title track 'Dhoom Machale Dhoom' is dedicated to Sachin Tendulkar who was then playing his 200th and final test match at the Wankhede Stadium.[122][123] The title song's video featuring Katrina Kaif and sung by Aditi Singh Sharma was unveiled on 14 November 2013.[124][125] The first look of the song 'Malang' was revealed on 25 November 2013.[126] A teaser for 'Dhoom Tap' featured Aamir Khan tap dancing to beats, along with background dancers. It was unveiled on 3 December 2013. A teaser for the song 'Kamli', featuring Katrina Kaif and sung by Sunidhi Chauhan was revealed on 6 December 2013. The song 'Bande Hain Hum Uske' was sung by Shankar Mahadevan's 12-year-old son Shivam Mahadevan and Anish Sharma.[127] His elder son Siddharth Mahadevan sung the song 'Malang' in the film along with Shilpa Rao.[128] The title song 'Dhoom Machale' was also recorded in an Arabic version sung by Lebanese singer Naya.[129]

Original soundtrack[edit]

Track listing (Hindi)
1.'Malang'D. ImmanSiddharth Mahadevan, Shilpa Rao4:33
2.'Kamli'PritamSunidhi Chauhan3:55
3.'Tu Hi Junoon'PritamMohit Chauhan5:02
4.'Dhoom Machale Dhoom'PritamAditi Singh Sharma3:56
5.'Bande Hain Hum Uske'PritamShivam Mahadevan, Anish Sharma3:05
6.'Dhoom Tap'PritamInstrumental2:47
7.'Dhoom : 3 Overture'Julius PackiamInstrumental4:10
8.'Dhoom Machale Dhoom (Arabic)'PritamNaya3:48
9.'Dhoom Machale Dhoom (Spanish)'PritamMia Mont3:47
Total length:27:24

Tamil soundtrack[edit]

Dhoom 3 (Tamil)
Soundtrack album by
Released10 December 2013
GenreFeature Film soundtrack
LabelYRF Music
Track listing (Tamil)
1.'Mayanga'PritamAbhishek Nailwal, Mahalaxmi Iyer4:33
2.'Amali Dhumali'PritamSunidhi Chauhan3:54
3.'Ore Oru Parvai'PritamMohit Chauhan5:02
4.'Dhoom Majare Dhoom'PritamAditi Singh Sharma3:55
5.'Nam Padaithavanin Pillaigal'PritamShivam Mahadevan, Anish Sharma3:04
6.'Dhoom Tap'PritamInstrumental2:46
7.'Dhoom : 3 Overture'Julius PackiamInstrumental4:09
Total length:27:24

Telugu soundtrack[edit]

Dhoom 3 (Telugu)
Soundtrack album by
Released10 December 2013
GenreFeature Film soundtrack
LabelYRF Music
Track listing (Telugu)
1.'Tarang'PritamAbhishek Nailwal, Shilpa Rao4:33
2.'Nemali'PritamSunidhi Chauhan3:54
3.'Oohinchale Oohinchale'PritamMohit Chauhan5:02
4.'Dhoom Majale Dhoom'PritamAditi Singh Sharma3:55
5.'Pillalam Memathaniki'PritamShivam Mahadevan, Anish Sharma3:04
6.'Dhoom Tap'PritamInstrumental2:46
7.'Dhoom : 3 Overture'Julius PackiamInstrumental4:09
Total length:27:24

The music of Dhoom 3 received mixed critical reception.

Joginder Tuteja of Rediff.com noted, 'There are songs like 'Tu Hi Junoon', 'Malang' and 'Kamli' that round off Dhoom 3 beautifully.' Koimoi reported, 'Overall it might not be the best album Pritam has come up with, but two really interesting compositions makes the album scrupulous me! A noteworthy effort for sure!'[130] The predictions turned out to be true as the album topped the iTunes charts only after the release of the film. The songs 'Kamli' and 'Dhoom Machale' topped the iTunes singles chart.[citation needed] Rohit Khilnani of India Today deemed the music 'below average'.[131]

Box office[edit]

Dhoom 3 grossed 198 crore (US$29 million) worldwide in its first weekend, including its Tamil and Telugu versions.[132] On 6 January 2014, Yash Raj Films issued a statement that Dhoom 3 is officially the first Indian film to earn 5 billion (US$72 million) worldwide.[133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141] The film's final worldwide gross was 589.2 crore (US$101 million), including 372 crore[142] (US$64 million)[143] in India and US$35.6 million[144] (217.2 crore)[145] overseas.


Dhoom 3 worldwide collections breakdown
TerritoriesCollections breakdown
IndiaDomestic gross — 372 crore[142] (US$64 million)[143]
Hindi version net — 261 crore[146]
Tamil & Telugu versions net — 11.5 crore[147]
Distributor share — 140 crore[148]
Entertainment tax — 85.3 crore
OverseasOverseas gross — US$35.6 million[144] (217.2 crore)[145]
United States and Canada — US$8,060,862[149][150][151]
China — 24 crore[152] (US$3.93 million)[145]
Worldwide589.2crore[153] (US$101million)[143][154]

According to several trade publications, Dhoom 3 opened to an overwhelming response at the domestic box office. Box Office India stated that[155] the film had an extraordinary opening, recording 75% occupancy in multiplexes and 90–100% occupancy in single screens.[156]

The opening day collection stood at 309 million (US$4.5 million) from the Hindi version, while the dubbed Tamil and Telugu versions together earned 28 million (US$410,000).[157][158] The total opening day collection of the film broke the records of highest non-holiday opening and highest single day previously held by Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani and Krrish 3 respectively.[159][160] On the second day of its release, it went on to collect 295 million (US$4.3 million), setting new records in several circuits.[161]Dhoom 3 (Hindi) nett. grossed 350 million (US$5.1 million) on its third day to take Hindi version total to about 958 million (US$14 million) in the first weekend and further 70 million (US$1.0 million) in Tamil and Telugu which took the all language figure to 1.02 billion (US$15 million),[162] making it the fastest film to reach 1 billion (US$14 million) in India.[163][164] The film grossed 200 million (US$2.9 million) on its first Monday, 210 million (US$3.0 million) on the first Tuesday, 240 million (US$3.5 million) on first Wednesday and 140 million (US$2.0 million) on first Thursday, taking the first week total to nearly 1.74 billion (US$25 million) for its Hindi version.[165][166][167][168][169][170][171] The film set new first week records in all circuits and became the highest grossing film in the East Punjab circuit at the end of its first week.[172]Dhoom 3 grossed 100 million (US$1.4 million) from its Tamil and Telugu versions to take its all language total to 1.83 billion (US$26 million) in first week.[173][174][175]

The film collected 100 million (US$1.4 million) on second Friday, 115 million (US$1.7 million) on second Saturday, 170 million (US$2.5 million) on second Sunday, 60 million (US$870,000) on second Monday, 70 million (US$1.0 million) on second Tuesday, 105 million (US$1.5 million) on second Wednesday and 40 million (US$580,000) on second Thursday to take its Hindi-version total to 2.39 billion (US$35 million) in two weeks.[176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183]Dhoom 3 set a new record for second week collections with 648 million (US$9.4 million),[184][185] beating four-year-long record of 562 million (US$8.1 million) of 3 Idiots.[186]

The film collected around 120 million (US$1.7 million) on its third weekend and 20 million (US$290,000) on its third Monday to take its Hindi version total to 2.52 billion (US$36 million) in 18 days.[187][188][189]Dhoom 3 set new records in all territories across the globe apart from Mumbai, the biggest circuit.[190] It grossed around 173 million (US$2.5 million) in its third week taking the three-week Hindi version total to around 2.56 billion (US$37 million).[148][191] The Hindi version had a theatrical run for 9 weeks with a final domestic nett of 2.61 billion (US$38 million).[192][193]Dhoom 3 earned about 125 million (US$1.8 million) from its Tamil and Telugu versions.[147] Of its collections, 970 million (US$14 million) nett was from single screens in India.[194]Dhoom 3 broke all records of 3 Idiots in domestic market, except Mumbai territory.[195]


Dhoom 3 grossed US$10.32 million in its first weekend, setting new records in almost all territories.[196][197][198]Dhoom 3 grossed 107cr total in Overseas.[150]Dhoom 3 is the highest grosser ever in US/Canada, UK, Gulf, Australia and New Zealand.[199][200] The film grossed over £2 million in U.K in 11 days, and went on to gross £2,708,046 to become highest grossing Bollywood film in UK[201][202][203] The film collected $3,423,508 ( 204.9 million) in its first weekend in the United States-Canada region.[204] Dhoom 3 collected US$20.5 million internationally in ten days.[205] Dhoom 3 eventually grossed US$28 million in international markets in its lifetime overseas theatrical run and surpassed the record of 3 Idiots to become the highest grossing Bollywood film in international markets.[14][16][206]


Dhoom 3 also set a new opening record in Pakistan, beating the previous record held by Pakistani film Waar.[207][208][209][210]Dhoom 3 eventually became the highest grossing Bollywood film in Pakistan with overall gross of US$1.95 million (INR 121 million, PKR 245 million).[211][212][213][214][215]Dhoom 3 became the first film to gross Rs 60 million at the box office in Nepal,[216][217] as the local filmmakers of Nepal had to delay the release of their own films for three weeks due to the strong performance of Dhoom 3 there.[218][219] Dhoom 3 had the biggest opening ever for any Indian film in Turkey, when it released there in June 2014.[220]


The film released in China on 25 July 2014, 8 months after the release of the film in India and other overseas markets.[221] Dhoom 3 was claimed to have the widest release in China for a Bollywood film in more than 3 decades.[222] The film opened in 2,000 screens in 400 Chinese cities, upon release it entered the Chinese top 10 charts at number 9 and grossed $1.35 million for the three-day weekend, beating the local Chinese romance No Zuo No Die.[223]


Box Office Records made by Dhoom 3 since its release
Box office recordRecord detailsPrevious record holderRef.
Number of screens (Domestic)4,500 screensChennai Express (2013, 3,700 screens)[224]
Number of screens (International)906 screensChennai Express (2013, 700 screens)[59][224]
Biggest non-holiday opening day (Domestic)335,000,000Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani (2013, 19,81,00,000)[225]
Highest single day (Domestic)350,000,000Krrish 3 (2013, 31,50,00,000)[226]
Opening weekend nett (Domestic)1,020,000,000Chennai Express (2013, 89,42,00,000)[163]
Opening weekend gross (International)US$15.17 millionChennai Express (2013, US$7.1 million)[227]
Worldwide opening weekend2 billion (US$29 million)Chennai Express (2013, 1.6 billion (US$23 million))[228]
First week nett (India)1.83 billion (US$26 million)Chennai Express (2013, 1.39 billion (US$20 million))[173]
Second weekend nett (India)380 million (US$5.5 million)3 Idiots(2009,330 million (US$4.8 million))[180][182]
Second week nett (India)650 million (US$9.4 million)3 Idiots(2009,562 million (US$8.1 million))[176]
Lifetime nett. gross (India)2.84 billion (US$41 million)Chennai Express(2013,2.08 billion (US$30 million))[229]
Distributor share (Domestic)1.38 billion (US$20 million)Chennai Express (1.15 billion (US$17 million))[230]
Overseas GrossUS$31.5 million3 Idiots (US$25.4 million )[14][231][232]
Worldwide gross540 crore (US$78 million)Chennai Express422 crore (US$61 million)[233][234][235]
Highest gross (North America)$8,090,250 [Rs 505.5 million]3 Idiots (2009, $6,540,000)[150][151]
Highest gross (UK)£2,710,319 [Rs 277.8 million]My Name is Khan (2010, £2,630,000)[14][236]
Highest gross (U.A.E-G.C.C)$6,250,000 [Rs 409.8 million]3 Idiots (2009, $3,150,000)[229]
Highest gross (Australia)A$1,733,924 [Rs 96.3 million]3 Idiots (2009, A$1,100,000)[205][237]
Highest gross (New Zealand)NZ$530,911 [Rs 27.2 million]Chennai Express (2013, NZ$219,470 )[238][239]
Days to reach 1 billion (US$14 million) nett (Domestic)3 daysChennai Express (4 days)[163]
Days to reach 2 billion (US$29 million) nett (Domestic)10 daysChennai Express (21 days)[181][240]

Critical reception[edit]


Domestically, Dhoom 3 receive mostly mixed to positive reviews from critics.[241][242]Taran Adarsh of Bollywood Hungama rated the film 4.5 out of 5 stars and said, 'On the whole, DHOOM-3 is one solid entertainer loaded with attitude and star power that will leave fans of the series salivating for more.'[243] The Daily Bhaskar also rated it 4.5 out of 5 stars. While praising the performance of Khan, the newspaper wrote 'The whole film rests on Khan's shoulders, and it won't be an overestimation to say that he is strong enough to hold the three hours all by himself.'[244] Mohar Basu of Koimoi gave the film 4 out of 5 stars and stated that it is 'spectacular and majestic'.[245] Srijana Mitra Das of the Times of India gave the film 4 out of 5 stars. Especially praising the actors' performances, she wrote, 'Dhoom 3 makes you laugh, gasp – even sniffle'.[246] Aparna Mudi of Zee News gave the film 4 out of 5 stars and remarked 'Dhoom 3 manages to deliver a typically Bollywood revenge saga in a modern way.'[247] Sarita A Tanwar of Daily News and Analysis also gave it 4 stars and commented, 'Welcome to the world of jaw-dropping action and stunts never seen before on Hindi screen. Dhoom 3 redefines the word 'entertainment' in the grandest way possible.'[248] Saibal Chatterjee of NDTV, on the other hand, gave it 3 out of 5 stars and noted that 'Dhoom: 3 is a high-voltage action flick that relies squarely on known methods of the genre'.[249] Sukanya Verma of Rediff.com gave it 3 out of 5 stars and wrote, 'Dhoom 3 continues the tradition of extravagance in adventure and expenditure by roping in the fastidious Aamir Khan as its latest star antagonist'.[250] Rachit Gupta of Filmfare rated it 3 out of 5 stars; though he labelled it a 'slick looking film', he felt 'the force driving them, the story, teeters on abysmal points'.[251]Anupama Chopra of the Hindustan Times gave the film 3 stars and wrote, 'The third installment..is bigger and more plot-heavy than the first two.'[252] The Indo-Asian News Service review, syndicated by Business Standard, also gave it 3 stars, writing, 'Dhoom 3 is an intriguing piece of work.. slender supple smart and subtle..and yet helmed by a central performance that screams for attention.'[253]

Dhoom 3 also received some negative reviews.[254][255]Rajeev Masand of CNN-IBN gave the film 2.5 out of 5 stars and stated 'Dhoom 3 is let down by a convenient script and its inability to deliver solid entertainment'. He described the film as a 'sloppily scripted sandwich of hammy acting and cheesy dialogue' that lacked the 'thrills' of the previous films.[256] Raja Sen of Rediff gave it 1.5 out of 5 stars. Criticizing the villain's motivations and the 'yawnworthy chase scenes' that were 'both pointless and badly edited', he deemed Dhoom 3 'a children's film made for children who've never seen a film'.[257] Shubhra Gupta of Indian Express gave the film 2 stars out of 5. Although he praised the 'superb cinematography, great-looking sets, expansive foreign locations', he found the film to be 'a victim of both a crying lack of imagination and franchise fatigue'. Gupta also felt that Khan lacked the 'sexy-badness' required for the villain, and noted Kaif's minimal role.[258] Rohit Khilnani of India Today heavily criticised Dhoom 3 and gave it 2 stars out of 5, calling it 'full of loop holes, over-the-top acting and an overdose of action that doesn't fit well all the time'. He found that the film's only redeeming factor was that it was 'a visual treat' due to its exotic locales and special effects.[131] Rafay Mahmood of The Express Tribune rated the film as 1.5 out of 5, noting the 'overdose of one-liners', lack of 'a properly connected cause-and-effect chain', and the 'over-the-top action sequences' that 'build up to nothing dramatically significant'. He in particular criticised the actors' performances. Mahmood called Kaif 'eye candy' with little dialogue, and felt Khan gave 'perhaps the worst performance of his career'.[259]


Meanwhile, the film garnered praise from foreign film critics. Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a score of 83% based on reviews from 12 critics, with a rating average of 7.8/10.[260]

David Chute of Variety liked the camera work, action, stunts and Aamir's performance: 'Acharya's camera seems to be dancing – and swooning – along with the performers.. High-flying acrobatics and a standout Aamir Khan performance dominate the third entry in Bollywood's biggest action franchise.'[261] According to Bill Stamets of Chicago Sun-Times, 'Dhoom:3 is crowd-pleasing populist fare' that 'entertains as a spectacle of chases, bank capers, magic acts and song-and-dance numbers'.[262] A number of critics noted that Dhoom 3 has several similarities with Christopher Nolan's films The Prestige and The Dark Knight.[263][264][265][266][267]

Awards and nominations[edit]

Positive awards and nominations for Dhoom 3
AwardDate announcedCategoryRecipientResultRef.
Life OK Screen Awards
8 January 2014
Best Actor (Male)
Aamir Khan
Popular Choice (Male)
Aamir Khan
Popular Choice (Female)
Katrina Kaif
Best Actor in a Comic Role (Male-Female)
Uday Chopra
Best Child Artist
Siddharth Nigam
Best Cinematography
Sudeep Chatterjee
Best Action
Mohan Conrad E Palmisano & Sham Kaushal
Best Costume
Anaita Shroff, Rushi Sharma and Manoshi Nath
Best Sound Design
Ganesh Gangadharan
Best Production Design
Acropolis – Sumit Basu, Snigdha Basu, Rajnish Hedao
Best Special Effects
Tata Elxsi -VCL
Best Choreography
Vaibhavi Merchant
ETC Bollywood Business Awards
18 January 2014
Most Profitable Actor
Aamir Khan
Highest Grossing Actor (Male)
Aamir Khan
Highest Single day collection
Dhoom 3
Most Popular Trailer
Dhoom 3
Highest Grossing Banner
Yashraj Films
Filmfare Awards
24 January 2014
Visual Effects
Tata Elxsi
Star Guild Awards
16 January 2014
Best Choreography
Vaibhavi Merchant
Best Playback Singer(Male)
Siddharth Mahadevan
Zee Cine Awards
31 January 2014
Best Actor-Male
Aamir Khan
Best Film
Dhoom 3
Best Actor In A Supporting Role – Male
Abhishek Bachchan
Best Screenplay
Vijay Krishna Acharya
Best Visual Effects
Dhoom 3
Best Background Score
Julius Packiam
Best Sound Design
Ganesh Gangadharan
Best Production Design
Snigdha Basu, Sumit Basu, Rajnish Hedao
Best Action
Sham Kaushal, Conrad Palmisano
Best Cinematography
Sudeep Chatterjee
Best Editing
Ritesh Soni
Best Choreography
Vaibhavi Merchant
IIFA Awards
19 February 2014
Best Film
Dhoom 3
Negative awards and nominations
AwardDate announcedCategoryRecipientResultRef.
Golden Kela Awards
30 March 2014
Worst Film
Dhoom 3
Worst Sequel/Remake
Dhoom 3
Baawra Ho Gaya Hai Ke
Aamir Khan
Ghanta Awards
10 February 2014
Worst Supporting Actor
Abhishek Bachchan
Worst Couple
Role/Skill Fail
Aamir Khan
WTF Was That
Bike/Jet Ski/Transformer

The film has garnered the inaugural Telstra People's Choice Award at the 2014 Indian Film Festival of Melbourne.[286][287]


Victor Acharya has confirmed that there will be a sequel, but he is not sure when the film will be released.[288] The teaser poster of Dhoom Reloaded was released by Yash Raj films in December 2015. In 2017, it was reported that Shah Rukh Khan will play the negative role in the film. Afterwards, the actor himself denied the reports claiming his association with the franchise. The entire cast is yet to be decided.[289][290]

See also[edit]


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External links[edit]

  • Dhoom 3 on IMDb
  • Dhoom 3 at Box Office Mojo
  • Dhoom 3 at Bollywood Hungama

Dhoom 3 Full Movie Dailymotion

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