Delphi Constant Set

How to declare a Constant array of array of Record in Delphi. Hi, Let's suppose the following. How do I put all that in a single constant array of array declaration? Status: Solved; Priority: Medium. You could set extra properties on a group. > > So where is mrOK declared? > In Delphi 5, it is defined in Controls.pas, line 129. > But you could have found it by opening the index of the online help, > searching for mrOK. You would have got the help page for TModalResult. How do you declare a constant set? Declared variables. Declare interrupt procedures in Object.

  1. Delphi Constant Set

Delphi Constant Set

Delphi 5 (string[80]) vs Delphi XE
Hi guys i'm trying to convert a old application made with Delphi 5 to Delphi XE 5 The probleme i have right now is about String[80] and the Read / Write procedure i have a type like that Type TEnrMess = record Mess : String[80]; MessSuiv : Word; Hint : Word; end; And i read/write this type to a File of TEnrMess My probleme is that the string have changed from Delphi 5 to Delphi XE i join the link of a simple of the probleme that can be compiled on delphi 5 and any Delphi XE!wV1VyZzY!1ha5oOxTg7L1WJAOXutUygkj...
string() = string()
this code does not work (not instance of object) Dim Items(), Other() As String Items = New String() {'A','B','C'} Other = New String() {} Other = Items how can I get all the values ? angiras Hi, If I understand your requirement correctly, this should do it Dim Items() As String = {'A', 'B', 'C'} Dim Other(Items.Length - 1) As String Items.CopyTo(Other, 0) To more closely match you code above, but this will be less efficient Dim Items(), Other() As String ...
Constant strings
--------------090502080606080202050507 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit It's time to come again with this topic, last discussion was AFAIK in: Newsgroups: perl.perl6.internals Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 14:35:54 -0500 Subject: Re: Another GC bug From: (Dan Sugalski) Attached is the slightly modified version of This generates a string 'resource' file from _S('string') macros. I've modified src/objects.c to use these macros for get_init_meth (when CALL__BUILD ...
string to string[]
Hi, I've got this code : string[] Params; string SQL = 'SELECT * FROM T_MANAGEMENT_PAGES'; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, myConnection); myConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); try { while (myReader.Read()) { Params_Type = myReader.GetValue(0).ToString(); } } catch { } finally { } myReader.Close(); My problem is to obtain Params_Type. But each time, it says : 'impossible to convert '[object]' in 'string[]' &quo...
string and string[]
hello, whats the difference here between string and string[] thanks 'string' denotes an item of type String 'string[]' denotes an array of type String itemsThanks, EdMicrosoft MVP - ASP/ASP.NET Gracia mon ami...
Delphi 2009: String not interpreted as ShortString when long strings disabled
Hi everyone, Can anyone else reproduce this problem in Delphi 2009? If so I will QC it... Given the following declarations at the top of the unit: {$LONGSTRINGS OFF} {$V-} // strict var strings off type t_short_string = string[100]; Given the following code: procedure TForm1.Test(var s: t_short_string); begin s := s + 'test'; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var s: string; begin s := 'test'; test(s); // error generated here end; Delphi 2009 Win32 generates the error: [DCC Error] tes...
Delphi Strings
I wrote a message a while back which still turns up as the number one google hit when you search for 'delphi 2009 faststrings' (linked below). My question is: Does there exist a string library for finding and replacing strings that is both compatible with Delphi 7 and Delphi 2009/2010 and is faster than Pos/StringReplace? I'd like to know because I decided to write a really fast string unit which is compatible with all versions of Delphi and would like to do some benchmarking. Thanks. My original post: Okay, j...
string weirdness
With the addition of clone, I started writing some generic routines which might be useful (index,lc,uc,reverse,abs,tr,etc)...and I came across some weirdness: doing: save S0 restore S1 (since there's no set S1,S0) binds the registers together, so a change to one is a change to both...which doesn't happen on int registers. In addition, I've got a test program which I cannot figure out why it fails...and I believe its related to the above problem. Here's the test code (sorry for the size): set S0,'Hello World' bsr _uc print 'UC ...
String and string?
Hi guys, I was wondering the difference between small letter string type and a capital letter String type. Does anyone know about this? Highly appreciate for your answers! Thankz! The 'proper' version is String, as it references the System.String class of the .NET Framework Class Library. The ability to use string is provided by C#, where it is an alias to String. Similarly, the 'proper' version of an integer is Int32, as it references System.Int32. The ability to use int is provided by C#, and the ability to use Integer is provided by VB.NET, and both int and Integer are aliases...
What generals generally do
Reading a McChrystal thread elsewhere, I came across someone quoting a US general > I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and > during that period I spent most of my time as a high class thug for > Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a > racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and > especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped > make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to > collect revenues in. I ...
Sorry if this is 'out of topic'! but since some days ago I can't read the group *embarcadero.public.delphi.language.delphi.general* Does anybody know if there's something wrong with it? Or maybe is my reader? (Thunderbird) I get this messagge when I try to read the latest messages: Error! newsgroup server responded:no such article found Perhaps the article has expired <> (33145) Click here to remove all expired articles sergio wrote: > Sorry if this is 'out of topic'! but since some days ago I can'...
String and String[]
What will be the advantage of using myString: String[10] over myString: String Man wrote: > What will be the advantage of using > myString: String[10] > over > myString: String 'String[10]' is a fixed-length, statically allocated, Ansi-based ShortString. 'String' is a dynamic-length, dynamically allocated, reference counted, Ansi-based or Unicode-based (depening on Delphi version) Long string. Unless you absolutely need the static, fixed length nature of ShortString, such as in records that interact with external systems, you should stay ...
Best Place to get help on converting Delphi 2007 string to Delphi 2009
Where is the best place to get help on converting Delphi 2007 strings to Delphi 2009? The most common problem getting Delphi 7-Delphi 2007 components to compile seems to be caused by the new Unicode strings in Delphi 2009. It would be great if there was some place to go to get help with this. Maybe there should be a new group for String conversion where developers could ask short questions about conversion. For example: Delphi 7 - Delphi 2007 CharArrayPtr = ^CharArray; CharArray = array[0..MaxInt-1] of Char; Compiles Delphi 2009 CharArrayPtr = ^CharArray; CharArray ...
Weird problem passing string array: Cannot deserialize object graph into type of 'System.String[]'
Hi-I have a strange error occurring, which I can't seem to figure out. I'm passing an array of strings to a prototyped function, which in turn calls an Atlas function:SomeTest.prototype.TestArrayPassing= function (myarray) { BridgeCanada.WebServices.TestService.TestArray( myarray, { onMethodComplete: Function.createDelegate(this, this.OnTestArrayComplete), &n...